When the Parliament were considering introducing a beer tax in South Australia, a public meeting was held in the Hamley Bridge Institute to vote on the matter ..... some of the thoughts were very naive, like .. publicans wouldn't put up the price of beer because of the tax!
On Friday evening, September 12 1884, a meeting was held in the Hamley Bridge Institute to consider the proposed tax on beer. Around 50 people attended. Mr. R. P. Annear was voted to the chair. Local resident and J.P., Mr Joseph Bell moved – “That this meeting considers a beer tax desirable, fair and equitable and that it should be included in the taxation scheme now before Parliament”.
In the Parliament, Mr. Symon had moved the motion in the Assembly, but the Government thought that if it were carried they would have to sacrifice some of their other proposals.
The thoughts at that time were that, “a beer tax would be a most desirable means of helping to meet our present deficiency. If an income tax were imposed we would stand alone amongst the colonies, for in none of the others did it exist “.
At that time in England the brewers were paying a tax of 6s. 3d. per barrel on beer, besides an annual licence fee. In America they had to pay a duty of 4s. per barrel of 32 gallons, and anyone who brewed over 5,000 gallons had to pay an additional tax of £20 per annum. Tasmania had already imposed a duty of 3d. per gallon, besides which there was a heavy duty on sugar and hops, whilst in Victoria they had a duty of 2d. per gallon upon an annual rate of 12,000,000 gallons.
Mr. Bell said there wouldn’t be so much police protection if it were not for drink, which was much of the cause of most of the crime, destitution and pauperism. A tax on beer was a legitimate one, and he thought it was unjust that the poor struggling farmer should be compelled to pay duty on wire and other necessary articles whilst the brewer was allowed to go free. There was a big applause from the crowd and Mr. J. Black seconded the motion and also said that a beer tax would be for the general good and would bring in an annual revenue of £50,000 from those who at present went scot free, and it was a mistake to think that the price of beer would rise, as he was confident that publicans would never charge more than 3d. a glass.
Mr. Charlton supported the motion. Mr. M. Kearns thought the publicans paid very dearly for the police protection which Mr. Bell had stated was afforded them. He also said that the working man, if the tax were imposed, would not get his beer at the same price, as he was sure the, publican and brewers would not lose. At present the publicans alone paid an annual sum to the revenue of £12,000 or £13,000. Mr. Finey thought it very desirable to get £50,000 a year out of the brewers. Mr. M. Murphy considered that the tax would be an imposition on the public and it was a ‘side wind got up’ by a few moneyed men to escape the land tax. He moved as an amendment—" That the proposed tax would be an imposition upon the pubic" It had simply been laughed at throughout the colony. Messrs. Wilson and Henry Bell supported the motion. Mr. Williams said the proposal for the beer tax was lost by only a small majority, and he was sure Mr. Symon would yet be successful. After a short discussion the motion was put and carried by a large majority. On the motion of Mr. H. Bell a vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. J. W. Castine, M P., for having voted in favour of the tax.
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Saturday, 1 December 2012
A town named Hamley Bridge - part 2
This is an article that I wrote for the Adelaide and Districts Family History Group's magazine, Compass in 2012. read part 1 here
he story of Hamley Bridge continues in this edition with the subject being the town and it’s industrious residents. This town was not only a railway town and farming district, but was also known for it’s various other industries.
Mr Johann Gottlieb Traeger was one of the most successful businessmen in his time. He started off with a blacksmith shop and expanded it into several industries on his site in Gilbert Street. There was a cool drink factory, implement factory, wheel wright & trolley builders, chaff mill and an electricity station. It was a hive of activity in it’s heyday with just over 40 workmen, working in shifts. The town profited much by his activities. His implement factory was very well known in the north as he manufactured the very latest in agricultural implements, the most recognised being the 5 furrow stump-jump plough and an adjustable stump-jump cultivator. Many prizes were won for his plough and it gained distinction in field trials. Mr Traeger had a motto at his factory it was ‘introduce the best article at the lowest price’.
The cordial factory produced many types of drink, some being, Kola Beer, Creaming Soda, Ginger Beer, American Cream Strawberry, Orange Champagne, Orange Kraze, Raspberry Cream Soda, Fruity Lemonade. I have heard many stories from the ‘older’ residents, mostly the men, on how they used to sneak out to the back of the factory where the bottles were held, smash them to get the marbles out, then run for their lives! The marbles were an important part of the bottle as they kept the gases in. I have not seen a fully intact bottle in real life, but have seen some on the internet.
Hamley Bridge was one of the first country towns in South Australia to enjoy the convenience of the electric light, thanks to Mr Traeger. On the 14th June 1913 the electric light was introduced with a ceremony to ‘turn on’ the electric light on July 25th. Mr J T Quinn the former chairman of the Alma Plains District Council had the duty of switching on the lights. After a few words of praise to Mr J G Traeger for his enterprise in installing the new light, he switched the current and the streets and buildings at Mr Traeger’s foundry were brilliantly lit up. The front of the paint shop which was used as the banquet room for the occasion, was a ‘festoon’ of incandescent lamps.
The electrical department of the Australasian Implement Company, under the guidance of Mr C E Vormeister designed and carried out the work. It was run by a Hornsby 50 brake horsepower engine (gas suction type), which drove a Cromnton direct current dynamo at a pressure of 250 volts. The distribution cables arc on the two wire system, carried on poles, a third wire being to run to control the street lighting. The initial street lighting consisted of nine 50 candlepower lamps. The installation of the plant was done in record time, it was only three weeks from when the order was given, to the opening ceremony. Mr Traeger provided the council with the light and then the council supplied the people. During the beginning of the Depression years, Mr Traeger spend a huge amount of money buying a new generator for his electricity plant, I think this was a Black Stone Caude Oil Engine, but not long after it’s arrival, the state government centralised all the states’ power and sadly Mr Traegers business struggled. It finally took it’s toll and the businesses and closed sometime around the 1940’s .
The Hamley Bridge flour mill was built around 1879 and was fitted with the most up-to-date machinery. The original proprietors were Messrs B E Deland & J Black, they commenced their partnership in 1881, this continued until the death of Mr. Deland in 1906. It was one of the largest buildings in Hamley Bridge and was built along the railway line across from the Railway Station it had a large shed adjoining the the main building that housed the thousands of bags of wheat and flour. The mill was first worked on a small scale using the stone system but with the rapid increase in business this method became obsolete. It was then converted into a roller mill using the most up-to-date principals. Joseph Black erected a suction gas engine of 60 horsepower to help to cope with the increase in trade.
They also owned a mill in Blyth, but after Mr Delands death these were split up, Mr Delands family took over the Blyth mill and Mr Black taking over the Hamley Bridge mill. There were many times in is existence that the mill was forced to close down for one reason or another, on one occasion it was closed for 3 years.
The mill was eventually sold to J H Robins & sons and after many renovations they re-opened in mid 1945. It closed down in the 1970’s.
The Brick Stack and surrounding rubble are Heritage Listed and are a significant industrial archaeological site. This is one of only a few remaining brick kiln relics in the Region. The brick kiln was established on the bank of the River light by H.J. Charlton and Co. in 1877, it was taken over by a prominent businessman John T Quinn, who ‘literally built early Hamley Bridge’. In 1910 Mr Quinn built a new dome brick kiln, in which 30,000 bricks can be burnt at once. In 1916 the brick-kiln was bought out by W. H. Durdin who operated the kiln until it was closed down in 1938. The clay deposits were limited and a small number of sand stock bricks were fired in a single down-draught kiln. The bricks were used in the construction of a large number of buildings in the town and surrounding districts.
Hamley Bridge had two Butcher/Bakers one was run by the Hill family then the Dyer family, the other was the Meaney family. I always find it fascinating how much has changed in this industry. The deliveries were made to customers with the raw meat sitting next to the bread and bakery goods, only covered by a cloth, if that, and then there are the meat carcasses that hung freely outside the shop for days. Flies and maggots were not an issue as these simply were ‘cut out’, I am glad times have changed!
I am not sure when the first show started. There is mention of a country show being held in Hamley Bridge in 1882 in the South Australian Advertiser, but the first official annual Hamley Bridge Show run by the Hamley Bridge Agricultural, Horticultural and Floricultural Society, was held in 1903.
The HBS became a very popular country show attracting around 2,000 people each year. The Society purchased 13 acres of land for the show to be held on, and was the only show at the time to be self-funded and not receive tax-payers money in Government grants. After the 1913 HBS, the show was halted during the war years and the depression years. It resumed again in 1946, after a 33 year break, and was opened by The Premier, Thomas Playford and was attended by over 2,000 people. During the 1930’s, a Flower and Handicraft Show, was run instead. The last Hamley Bridge show was held in 1968.
Mr J G
Traeger’s Stump-Jump Plough Cultivator
- Trove |
Cordial labels
- My collection
J G Traeger’s complex
– My collection |
The Hamley Bridge Flour Mill
and Black Flour Mill circa 1904
– Trove |
Source – My collection |
The mill was eventually sold to J H Robins & sons and after many renovations they re-opened in mid 1945. It closed down in the 1970’s.
Circa 1909
Source – My collection |
The Brick
Chaff Mills
Haystack circa unknown
Source – My
collection |
Hamley Bridge had three chaff mills, sending
products throughout South Australia and the Eastern States. Pioneers in this
field were Messrs John Ridgeway and Edmund Ayliffe. Traegers operated one
of the chaff mills until 1930 at the the same complex as all his other
John Barclay started his chaff mill business
in 1922 and was sold in 1929 to James (Jim) Stott. He operated until 1952,
employing from four to nine men at a time, depending on the demand for chaff.
The peak season saw the demand for cutting grow, in which it accompanied the
production of 2000 tons a year. Les Stott obtained the business in 1952,
replacing the Black-stone oil engine with an electric motor. The no.8 Cliff and
Bunting cutter, and also the two No.6 cutters previously used, were replaced.
The trade in Adelaide via Fodder Stores became excellent outlets for chaff, the
trade became consistent, in which it cut 40 to 50 tons per week, employing
seven to eight men. The mill was sold in 1978 but only operated for a short
period after. Another Chaff Mill was
operated by the Hutton family. It closed down in 1963.
Circa 1887
– My collection |
Circa 1930
Source – My
collection |
The Hill brothers, Frank and George, began their butcher and baking business in 1881. They worked together until around 1900, it was then that Frank took over as George moved away. Frank and his wife Eva had eight children. One of their daughters Mabel, married Louis Dyer and in the mid thirties they took over the business from father Frank. The Dyer family continued with the business until 1972 when ill-health forced the sale. It had continued as a butchers under various owners until 2005. It is now a private residence.
When Frank and Eva died their home was converted into the Hamley Bridge Memorial Hospital, which is still used as the local hospital today.
The crowd at the 1904 show
Source – Trove |
Hamley Bridge
Agricultural Show
The HBS became a very popular country show attracting around 2,000 people each year. The Society purchased 13 acres of land for the show to be held on, and was the only show at the time to be self-funded and not receive tax-payers money in Government grants. After the 1913 HBS, the show was halted during the war years and the depression years. It resumed again in 1946, after a 33 year break, and was opened by The Premier, Thomas Playford and was attended by over 2,000 people. During the 1930’s, a Flower and Handicraft Show, was run instead. The last Hamley Bridge show was held in 1968.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
2011 Census statistics for Hamley Bridge
2011 Census QuickStats
Hamley Bridge
People 633
Male 325
Female 308
Median age 41
Families 163
Average children per family 1.7
All private dwellings 272
Average people per household 2.3
Median weekly household income $854
Median monthly mortgage repayments $1,094
Median weekly rent $175
Average motor vehicles per dwelling 1.7
In the 2011 Census, there were 633 people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) of these 51.3% were male and 48.7% were female. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people made up 1.4% of the population.
The median age of people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) was 41 years. Children aged 0 - 14 years made up 19.8% of the population and people aged 65 years and over made up 17.9% of the population.
Of people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) aged 15 years and over, 37.1% were married and 19.8% were either divorced or separated.
The median age of married people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) was 52 years and the median age of people never married was 29 years.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), of people aged 15 years and over, 37.6% of people were in a registered marriage and 20.4% were in a de facto marriage.
The median age of people in a registered marriage in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) was 51 years and the median age of people in a de facto marriage was 41 years
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) 27.6% of people were attending an educational institution. Of these, 28.4% were in primary school, 23.3% in secondary school and 14.8% in a tertiary or technical institution.
The most common ancestries in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) were English 34.7%, Australian 27.5%, Scottish 7.7%, Irish 6.8% and German 6.5%
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 79.3% of people were born in Australia. The most common countries of birth were England 9.5%, Germany 0.9%, Scotland 0.6%, Croatia 0.5% and France 0.5%.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 61.1% of people had both parents born in Australia and 23.6% of people had both parents born overseas.
The most common responses for religion in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) were No Religion 34.9%, Anglican 17.8%, Catholic 13.2%, Uniting Church 10.2% and Lutheran 3.2%.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) 93.2% of people only spoke English at home. The only other responses for language spoken at home were German 1.1% and Dutch 0.5%.
There were 263 people who reported being in the labour force in the week before Census night in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs). Of these 52.5% were employed full time, 34.2% were employed part-time and 6.8% were unemployed.
Of employed people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 10.9% worked 1 to 15 hours, 8.9% worked 16 to 24 hours and 45.3% worked 40 hours or more.
The median age of people employed full-time in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) was 43 years and for people who were employed part-time was 43 years
The most common occupations in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) included Technicians and Trades Workers 23.0%, Labourers 17.7%, Managers 14.1%, Machinery Operators And Drivers 11.3%, and Clerical and Administrative Workers 10.1%
Of the employed people in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 8.1% worked in Hospitals. Other major industries of employment included Sheep, Beef Cattle and Grain Farming 4.8%, Road Freight Transport 4.4%, School Education 4.4% and Residential Care Services 4.4%.
The median weekly personal income for people aged 15 years and over in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) was $413.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), on the day of the Census, the methods of travel to work for employed people were Car, as driver 67.2%, Car, as passenger 7.3% and Other 2.0%. Other common responses were Walked only 2.0 and Truck 1.6. On the day, 1.6% of employed people travelled to work on public transport and 73.7% by car (either as driver or as passenger).
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), of people aged 15 years and over, 65.6% did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census. During the two weeks before the Census, 28.0% provided care for children and 11.0% assisted family members or others due to a disability, long term illness or problems related to old age. In the year before the Census, 25.0% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group.
Of people who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 25.3% worked 5 to 14 hours, 12.8% worked 15 to 29 hours and 13.8% worked 30 hours or more.
Of the families in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 42.3% were couple families with children, 38.0% were couple families without children and 17.8% were one parent families.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs) 20.7% of single parents were male and 79.3% were female.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the median income for those with children was $1,562 and those without children was $1,694.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), of couple families, 17.2% had both partners employed full-time, 4.7% of both were employed part-time and 13.3% had one employed full-time and the other part-time.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 89.3% of private dwellings were occupied and 10.7% were unoccupied.
Of occupied private dwellings in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 97.5% were separate houses, 0.0% were semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses etc, 2.5% were flats, units or apartments and 0.0% were other dwellings.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), of occupied private dwellings 5.8% had 1 bedroom, 19.8% had 2 bedrooms and 50.0% had 3 bedrooms. The average number of bedrooms per occupied private dwelling was 3. The average household size was 2.3 people.
Of occupied private dwellings in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 22.7% were owned outright, 48.3% were owned with a mortgage and 24.8% were rented.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), of all households, 64.5% were family households, 33.9% were single person households and 1.7% were group households.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 33.2% of households had a weekly household income of less than $600 and 1.9% of households had a weekly income of more than $3,000.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), 38.4% of occupied private dwellings had one registered motor vehicle garaged or parked at their address, 36.8% had two registered motor vehicles and 19.0% had three or more registered motor vehicles.
For the 2011 Census in Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), there were 9 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Of these, 4 (or 44.4%) were male and 5 (or 55.6%) were female. The median age was 37 years.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), for dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the average household size was 5, with 1 persons per bedroom. The median household income was $900.
In Hamley Bridge (State Suburbs), for dwellings occupied by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the median weekly rent was $0 and the median monthly mortgage repayment was $648.
30-10-2012 - From the website - http://www.censusdata.abs.gov.au/census_services/getproduct/census/2011/quickstat/SSC40270?opendocument&navpos=220
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Train Derailment at Hamley Bridge - 1928
There was a train derailment at Hamley Bridge in December 1928. The following article is from the edition of the newspaper "The Advertiser - Saturday 8 December 1928"
The scene in the Hamley Bridge station yard shows the work in progress of replacing the derailed engine and van on to the line. —Krischock, photo.
The engine, tender, mail van, and leading passenger car of the East-West express were derailed at Hamley Bridge shortly before noon yesterday, on its Journey to Perth. No passengers were injured. —Krischock, photo.
A rear view of the derailment at Hamley Bridge yesterday, showing the wheels of the tender partly buried in the permanent way. --Krischock, photo.
GENERAL VIEW OF THE DERAILMENT, A view looking north, showing the RX engine drawing the mail van away from the Pacific engine, in the middle distance. The Pacific engine should have travelled on the set of rails on the left of this picture. Instead of that it jumped the rails and came to rest on the up track.
PACIFIC No. 609 MOUNTS THE UP TRACK. Our photograph shows the engine of the East-West express, which was derailed in the Hamley Bridge Station yard on Friday morning, resting on the sleepers. A strange feature of the accident was that the front pair of bogie wheels mounted the rails of the up track. The tender, which is about 3 ft. out of alignment with the engine portion, is seen imbedded deeply in the metal about the sleepers, which were freely splintered. The mail van, which had been coupled to the engine has, been drawn some distance away from the tender. The rails in the foreground are the ones on which the train should have ridden.
"The Border Watch" reports:
The passengers and crew on the East West express had a narrow escape from injury when the train was derailed In the Hamley Bridge station yard about 40 miles from Adelaide yesterday.
The big Pacific engine was only a short distance from the platform when it left the lines. The first intimation of the accident was the sound of tearing rails and splintering woodwork, as the engine ploughed into the permanent way, which was torn up for a distance of 30 yards.
The passengers in the first coach were thrown across the carriage, while others scrambled down and ran to the front of the train. It was found that the crew had escaped, and none of the passengers were injured.
No one could explain the cause of the derailment, as the points were found to be set correctly. The yard is being remodelled, and about 14 men were working nearby. One of them saw the engine leave the lines, and called a warning to his companions to jump. The coaches did not tip over, but came to rest at a dangerous angle.
The scene in the Hamley Bridge station yard shows the work in progress of replacing the derailed engine and van on to the line. —Krischock, photo.
"The Border Watch" reports:
The passengers and crew on the East West express had a narrow escape from injury when the train was derailed In the Hamley Bridge station yard about 40 miles from Adelaide yesterday.
The big Pacific engine was only a short distance from the platform when it left the lines. The first intimation of the accident was the sound of tearing rails and splintering woodwork, as the engine ploughed into the permanent way, which was torn up for a distance of 30 yards.
The passengers in the first coach were thrown across the carriage, while others scrambled down and ran to the front of the train. It was found that the crew had escaped, and none of the passengers were injured.
No one could explain the cause of the derailment, as the points were found to be set correctly. The yard is being remodelled, and about 14 men were working nearby. One of them saw the engine leave the lines, and called a warning to his companions to jump. The coaches did not tip over, but came to rest at a dangerous angle.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Old Postcards
Today I was given some old postcards of Hamley Bridge to scan. They are two that I have not seen before. Hamley Bridge has had several postcards produced over the years. If you have any old postcards that I do not have on here, I would love to receive a copy to add to this collection. Let me know if you can help.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Hamley Bridge Show
During the 1930’s, a Flower and Handicraft Show, was run instead.
1968 is when the last Hamley Bridge Show was held.
1904 – part of the crowd attending the Hamley Bridge Show |
Hamley Bridge, the junction of the northern and north-eastern railway systems until four years ago was unable to boast of a show. Then a floral and industrial society held its first exhibition in 1903. This body developed into an agricultural society, and having acquired suitable grounds, conducted a full-fledged country show. Though the success of last year's event was much marred, by wet weather, the ideal atmospheric, conditions which prevailed on Friday, when the second annual show on the new grounds took place, fully compensated for the previous failure. A young society, it is going ahead by leaps and bounds, and its show is certain in the near future to rank among the important northern fixtures. The grounds are 13 acres in extent, and situated at the northern end of the town. The arena, which is suitably fenced, is an admirable one, the reserve being planted with ornamental trees, which in a few years ought to render it very attractive. Recently the iron pavilion has been increased to 50ft. x 70ft., and water is laid on at various points on the property.
The attendance, the entries, and the show in general turned out to be records in every particular, for a good deal of which the society has to thank its hard-working and cool-headed secretary (Mr. M. Finey). The horses provided a very good ring display. Roadsters were prominent, and the jumping proved interesting. There were no high fences to be negotiated, but what jumping there was, was clean, no falls whatever being noticed. Some excellent ponies were seen, some of which were prize takers at Adelaide. Harvesting machinery was fairly well represented. The dairy produce was first class, and the judges considered it worthy of the Adelaide show. The entries were thrice those of last year. Butter, as well as bacon, was particularly fine. The prize merino wool was specially noteworthy for its fine texture and weight. Wheat and chaff were of fair quality and the collections of green fodder very creditable. Rye grass was shown over 6 ft. in height. Vegetables varied considerably in quality, as is usually noticed at northern exhibitions. The flower exhibits were on the whole of a high character.
In the poultry section there were 250 entries of fowls alone, the Game birds being particularly good. A similar remark applied to Wyandottes, Orpingtons, Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, and Malays. Some exhibitors of breeding pens, containing a cock and three hens, showed as many as four varieties in one cage, instead of placing birds of one sort together. In ducks and geese competition was restricted. Dogs were fairly numerous. Features of the inside show were the displays of cookery, art, and school work. The art collection was stronger than last year, both numerically and in point of quality. The judge of the school work (Mr. H. A. Curtis) considered all the exhibits of great credit to the teachers, and he specially commended Miss Venning, of the Alma North school, and Miss Cameron, of Dalkey Hill. The Marrabel school also met with considerable success.
During, the afternoon the Hamley Bridge Brass Band discoursed some good music, and in the evening an entertainment was given in the new Institute Hall. The officials of the society are:-
President, Mr. J. Black; vice-president, Mr. J. Doyle; executive committee, Dr. Dawkins, Messrs. M. McCabe, J. Freebairn, J. Bell, J. G. Traeger, R. P. Hoepner, A. G. Brock, J. Tamblyn, A. P. Buckerfield, F. J. Hill, J. T. Quinn, and F. Bohnsack.
Some pictures of various Hamley Bridge Show's
Hamley Bridge Show Committee |
Late 1800's |
Late 1800's |
Late 1800's |
Late 1800's |
1905 |
circa 1906 |
circa 1906 |
circa 1906 |
circa 1906 |
circa 1906 |
Attendances for the Hamley Bridge Show:
1903 – unknown
1904 – unknown people and 1300 entries
1905 – unknown
1906 – unknown
1907 – unknown people and 1,200 entries
1908 – 2,000 people and 1,500 entires
1909 – nearly 3,000 people and 1,400 entries
1910 – 2,500 people and unknown entries
1911 – good attendance and unknown entries
1912 – 1,428 people and unknown entries
1913 – 1,532 people and unknown entries
1946 – over 2,000 people and unknown entries
1947 – nearly 3,000 people and 2,000 entries
1949 – 2,500 people and more than 2,000 entires
1950 – over 3,000 people and 2,000 entries
1953 – nearly 2,500 people and unknown entries
All figures are approximate and from various sources
Duffield Town
Duffield Town was on the School side of Hamley Bridge, with the railway line dividing the two 'towns'. The land on this side of town was originally owned and named after the Hon. Walter Duffield, who had a career in both Houses of the Legislature, and was Treasurer in two ministries. The Duffield family were one of Hamley Bridge’s first wheat buyers. They owned the land on which this part of town is situated. In 1878 he started to sell of the land in allotments, 117 at first, hence the name. I have found articles referring to Duffield Town into the 1940's. The ‘two towns’ had separate cricket and football teams. The name Duffield Town was included in the census of 1881 and again in the 1901 census, as a separate town. But overall the whole area was known as Hamley Bridge.
Our local correspondent writes:— Hamley Bridge has not grown so fast as other townships in the districts further north, but its progress has been steady and on a firmer basis. Though the railway station has already shown well in the returns as furnishing a good large tonnage of freight and a large passenger traffic, it has grown much in importance during the last three years. It might be well to point out that there is another township growing equally fast into importance, viz., Duffield Town, situated on the opposite side of the railway line, and that the Government school is situated there, also the new mill, a neat, strong and compact building, recently erected by Messrs. Deland & Co. It is probable that but for the uncertainty of securing a supply of water a mill would have been erected long ago; but the above firm found resolution enough to face this emergency, and about three months ago made a start, the result being that the first bag of flour manufactured here was made on Monday, January 30. Water having been obtained at a depth of 90 feet, a start was made on Monday, when everything worked smoothly. No public demonstration was made, but it is pleasing to note that the work has been well done.
South Australian Register - Saturday 4 February 1882
HAMLEY BRIDGE. February 1.Our local correspondent writes:— Hamley Bridge has not grown so fast as other townships in the districts further north, but its progress has been steady and on a firmer basis. Though the railway station has already shown well in the returns as furnishing a good large tonnage of freight and a large passenger traffic, it has grown much in importance during the last three years. It might be well to point out that there is another township growing equally fast into importance, viz., Duffield Town, situated on the opposite side of the railway line, and that the Government school is situated there, also the new mill, a neat, strong and compact building, recently erected by Messrs. Deland & Co. It is probable that but for the uncertainty of securing a supply of water a mill would have been erected long ago; but the above firm found resolution enough to face this emergency, and about three months ago made a start, the result being that the first bag of flour manufactured here was made on Monday, January 30. Water having been obtained at a depth of 90 feet, a start was made on Monday, when everything worked smoothly. No public demonstration was made, but it is pleasing to note that the work has been well done.
The Advertiser - Monday 6 October 1941
The War Savings Group held their weekly social in the Institute hall. A general knowledge test between Duffleld Town and Hamley Bridge was won by Duffield Town.The Advertiser - Tuesday 21 November 1911
HAMLEY BRIDGE, November 20.-A cricket match was played on the local oval on Saturday, between Hamley Bridge and Duffield Town. J. Walker, for Duffield Town, was in good form, and knocked up 64 runs, which included 12 fours. The result was a win for Duffield Town. Scores Duffield Town, 153; J. Walker 54, E. Howell 26, D. Winchester 17. C. Slade 13. Bowling- J. O'Brien, two for 9; A. McLeod, six for 50; H. Clarke, one for 15; A. Black, one for 50. Hamley Bridge. 102: A. McLeod 32, J. O Brien 22. C. O'Malley 20. Bowling-E. Howell, two for 7; R. Spells, one for 3; L. Gillies, two for 27; A. Warnest, one for 15; O. H. Finlayson, one for 17. Hamley Bridge batted with eight men.The Advertiser - Friday 10 September 1926
The winners of the semi-finals, Owen and Duffield Town, met at the Stockport Oval on Saturday to contest the final. Owen had the better of the play at the start; but Duffield evolved a system that enabled them to outclass their opponents. Owen, as minor premiers, have the right to challenge. Scores:—Duffield Town, 9 goals 9 behinds; Owen, 5 goals 11 behinds. Best players—Winners—C. Hammond (until hurt). E. Simpson. N. Head, F. Hart, G. Grubb. G. Lindner, Warnest, J. Hart, R. Ward, and G. Greenshields; losers—K. Wilson, L. Poole, H A. Ewens, Moeller, C. Marshman, J. Harkness, G. McKenzie, Whelan and I. Weise. Goalkickers—Winners—N. Head (3), H. Ellis (2), Warnest (2). F. Hart (2); losers—G. McKenzie (3), Lesterman (2).Obituaries
last updated 14-8-2013
1868-1880January 1876
The announcement of the death of Major General Francis Gilbert Hamley, conveyed in our London telegrams of this morning, will occasion sincere regret to many South Australians who learned during the gallant officer's residence in South Australia to hold him in the highest esteem. The biography of Major-General Hamley mainly consists of a record of military service. He appears to have first entered the army in 1835, having in that year obtained by purchase the position of Ensign. Two years later he acquired the rank of Lieutenant, also by purchase, but ever after that the promotions he received were due either to seniority or to special merit. In November, 1843, he obtained the position of Captain in June of 1854 he took rank as Brevet-Major; in January, 1858, he became Major; in August, 1860, Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel ; and in June, 1869, Colonel. In 1873 he retired on full pay, having been gazetted as Major-General. His first active duties in the field were performed in 1851 to 1853, when as Captain in the 12th Regiment he rendered valuable aid in suppressing the Kaffir outbreak, and was rewarded by receiving the good service medal. From 1863 to 1866 he served with the 50th Regiment (Queen's Own) in New Zealand. While here it fell to his lot to command a force of 400 men during the memorable advance on Pah Terangi. Subsequently he assisted at the assault and capture of Rangiawhia and in repulsing the Maori attack on the camp at Nukumaru. For his close attention to his fearless duties and for the bravery he displayed through the campaign he was again awarded the good-service medal. Shortly after leaving New Zealand he came to South Australia in command of the Queen's Own, and here he remained for two or three years. On the death of Sir Dominick Daly he was, by virtue of the rule then in force, raised to the position of Acting Governor. This office he filled until he was relieved of it by the arrival of Sir James Fergusson. To the admirable manner in which he maintained the dignity and discharged the responsibilities of his high office generous testimony is borne in the news papers of the day. The Register, writing of him, remarked :— “Colonel Hamley has ceased to be the Acting Governor of this province, but he cannot as easily disappear from the public attention and from the history of South Australia as he has retired from the viceregal office. Without aiming at anything beyond his sphere he has done much in the colony by which he will be long remembered. Without pretending to any experience or skill out of his own profession, his short term of office was marked by many serious difficulties that have been over come and by many grave dangers that hare been averted. The patent sincerity and ingenuousness of the man have preserved him from the wiles and snares of statecraft. The independence and dignity of the soldier have supplied the place of a Colonial Office reputation. The urbanity and hospitable instincts of the English gentleman have served him as well as any fashionable prestige could have done. Nor has it been an uneventful Administration. It comprised all the most important vice regal functions. It gave us a new Parliament; it brought us safely through three ministerial crises. It opened and closed one of the most remarkable sessions in the annals of our Legislature. It added to our Statute-book some vital measures of legislation, the consequences of which may be felt many years hence. It witnessed the commencement of a recovery from severe commercial depression It maintained without any ostentation or false pretence a cheerful, social tone in the community. It drew around its personal centre a circle of friends which will break up in sorrow and be long held in grateful remembrance.” As a recognition of his valuable services he was created a member of the Executive Council, and it will be remembered that a more substantial testimony to the success of his administration was offered him by the colonists on his retirement. If his career has not been brilliant, it has at all events been eminently useful.
January 1879
Saddleworth - I have to announce the death of one of the oldest residents of this township, Mrs. Manning, sen., who died at her son-in-law's residence, Hamley Bridge, on Saturday, January 11. She was interred at Pinkerton's Plains Cemetery on Monday. Her remains were followed by a large concourse of friends and neighbours. The Rev. Father Anselm Fox read the funeral service and preached an impressive sermon on the occasion. Mrs. Manning was a resident of the colony for nearly thirty years, and was respected by all who knew her.
December 1882
Hamley Bridge, December 13. The funeral of Miss Doyle, the eldest daughter of Mr. J. Doyle, passed by this township yesterday afternoon on its way to the Pinkerton Plains Cemetery.. There were about fifty vehicles, besides a number of horsemen, in the cortege, which extended over half a mile in length. The places of business in the township were closed. The Revs. Father Stone and Carr officiated at the grave.
August 1888
Mr. John Lawrie, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents, died last night. His forcible and sensible contributions to the Press always commanded attention, and he was venerated by all classes for sterling worth. He suffered much during the past few months from cancer in the throat, but his death was not expected so soon.
March 1889
Mr. John Knox, Manager of the National Bank, died this morning. The event has cast a gloom over the place. He was highly esteemed for his sterling character and the thoroughly conscientious manner in which he discharged his duties. He was only ill for three weeks. He has left a widow and one child. The cause of death was pleuro-pneumonia. Much sympathy is felt for the family.
June 1889
Mr. W. B. Barker, post and telegraph master here for many years, died this afternoon after a short illness. The cause of death was typhoid fever. The deceased was highly respected by all, and his death is greatly regretted. In carrying out his duties he was a most efficient officer and a credit to the Post Office Department.
December 1890
Mr. James Campbell, of Barabba, died this morning after a remarkably short illness. He was helping his sons in the field on Thursday, and feeling unwell in the afternoon sought rest, and gradually sank. He was a very old resident, and highly respected for sterling qualities. He has left a family of eleven sons and daughters, who lost their mother a few years since.
August 1888
Mr. John Lawrie, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents, died last night. His forcible and sensible contributions to the Press always commanded attention, and he was venerated by all classes for sterling worth. He suffered much during the past few months from cancer in the throat, but his death was not expected so soon.
March 1889
Mr. John Knox, Manager of the National Bank, died this morning. The event has cast a gloom over the place. He was highly esteemed for his sterling character and the thoroughly conscientious manner in which he discharged his duties. He was only ill for three weeks. He has left a widow and one child. The cause of death was pleuro-pneumonia. Much sympathy is felt for the family.
June 1889
Mr. W. B. Barker, post and telegraph master here for many years, died this afternoon after a short illness. The cause of death was typhoid fever. The deceased was highly respected by all, and his death is greatly regretted. In carrying out his duties he was a most efficient officer and a credit to the Post Office Department.
December 1890
Mr. James Campbell, of Barabba, died this morning after a remarkably short illness. He was helping his sons in the field on Thursday, and feeling unwell in the afternoon sought rest, and gradually sank. He was a very old resident, and highly respected for sterling qualities. He has left a family of eleven sons and daughters, who lost their mother a few years since.
June 1891
Mrs. William Chambers died very suddenly this morning, aged fifty-five. The deceased lady, who was an old resident, was much respected.
July 1895
THE LATE MR. T. H. AYLIFFE. Hamley Bridge, July 29. The death of Mr. Thomas Hamilton Ayliffe, which took place in this township yesterday, makes an addition to the list of octogenarians who have lately departed this life. He died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. Quinn, at the age of over eighty-one years. The deceased was one of three brothers who arrived in the colony in October, 1838, bringing with them a Secretary and some live stock, including an entire horse. The brothers settled near Flagstaff Hill, on or near the hill that still bears their name—Ayliffe's Hill —and were among the earliest settlers there. All three brothers had passed through some study for the medical profession, but it would appear that only one of them followed that calling, and he was long a well-known and respected member of it, practising at Angaston. Of the three, George died many years ago, and Henry (the doctor) settled at Angaston, where he died later, Thomas, some time after arrival, finding agricultural pastoral management in those early days required more practical knowledge than he and his brothers possessed, left it, and for a number of years followed the sea as a ship's carpenter in a vessel trading principally between New Zealand and Tasmania. Subsequently he settled at the Sturt, where he farmed for some years. Leaving the Sturt he settled near Stockport, residing there for over thirty-five years, and, besides devoting attention to the farm, turning his medical knowledge to account, and in the absence of other medical aid rendering much valuable aid to settlers. He was for a number of years Clerk of the Local Court, of the Stockport District Council, and Returning Officer for Wooroora and Light. He was the first to start fruit culture on the River Light, where he convinced many that fine fruit could be grown, and for a time he tried many experiments in this line. His niece, Mrs. Hill, widow of the late T. P. Hill, is now in England, and is engaged in an endeavour to secure what may turn out to be a somewhat large estate belonging to the family. Although in some respects peculiar, deceased was a remarkable personality. He had retired from farming for some years, and for a time was an invalid, though be was confined to his room only about three weeks. He leaves a widow, six sons, four daughters, and thirty-three grand-children.
December 1897
Death of a Centenarian.— Our Hamley Bridge correspondent wrote on Wednesday: —"Mr. Patrick Jordan, aged 103, died at his son's residence yesterday. He arrived in the colony in 1855 accompanied by his wife and two sons and three daughters. Mrs. Jordan died about six years ago. He first settled near Kapunda, but came to live on the Light, near here, in 1858, and resided nearly ever since with his son, Mr. John Jordan. He enjoyed remarkably good health and the use of his sight and hearing till within an hour of his death. He came from County Clare, Ireland, and was much esteemed as a quiet, unassuming old gentleman. It is supposed that the intense heat hastened his death.
July 1898
Monday. July 4. A gloom was cast over this place on Saturday when it became known that Mr. L. A. Wilson had died that morning at the Semaphore. He had carried on a coachbuilding and blacksmith business here for about fourteen years, and had rendered valuable service in every good cause, especially as a member of the District Council, the School Board, and as a deacon of the Congregational Church. He was the leading spirit in starting a Rechabite Tent, in which he took a deep interest. The great esteem in which he was held was shown on Sunday, when, despite the fact that only a few hours' notice was given, about 600 residents attended the funeral. The Tent Brothers and Congregational Sunday-school children led the procession to the grave. In the evening Brother John Howard conducted a memorial service in the Congregational Church, which was draped in black.
May 1899
Deep regret is felt at the death of Mr. Robert McEllister, which took place yesterday in Adelaide, where he had been for two or three months under medical treatment. Mr. McEllister comes of an interesting family, his ancestors having resided through three generations on one farm of Lord Glandmon's at Tralee, Kerry, Ireland. The farm had been let on ninety-nine years' leases, and it was owing to the expiration of the lease that the late Mr. Edward McEllister, father of Mr. Robert, followed his son to South Australia in 1848. Mr. Robert McEllister has been much esteemed for his kindly disposition and sterling honesty. He had attained the age of seventy-one, and has left a widow, three sons, and three daughters.
January 1902
Mr. Thomas Hill, sen., who for 22 years resided near Tarlee, has just died at his daughter's residence near Adelaide. Mr. Hill came to the state in 1842, in the ship Asiatic, and after a varied experience, including a trip to the diggings, settled down in 1856 at Freeling. He occupied several public positions there, and in 1874, on his departure for Tarlee, was presented with a gold albert and locket and an address, which bears, among other names that of the Hon. F. W. Holder, now Speaker of the House of Representatives. In 1896 he removed to Alma Plains, and then to Hamley Bridge, where, for a short time, he occupied a position in the district council. Mr. Hill has left 4 sons, 4 daughters, and 43 grandchildren. One of his sons resides near Tarlee on his father's old farm.
October 1903
An old and much respected resident of Barabba, Mrs M O'Connell, died to-day. Mrs O'Connell arrived in the State over 41 years ago, and had resided at Barabba for about 32 years. Mr. O'Connell died about 14 years ago. There are two sons living, Mounted Constable O'Connell, of Spalding, and J. O'Connell, of Barabba, the deceased lady was 61 years of age.
November 1907
We have to record this week the death of Mrs Catherine Kain, relict of the late Martin Kain, of Hamley Bridge, which took place at Leighton on Monday, at the age of 88 years. The deceased lady, who was the mother of Mrs. J. Q. Hogan, of Leighton, resided with her daughter for the past 10 years. Mrs Kain enjoyed excellent health up to the last few weeks. She had a good memory and excellent eyesight, not finding it necessary to wear glasses. The remains of the deceased lady left this morning from Leighton for Farrell Flat, thence by train to Hamley Bridge where the family vault will be used.
We have to record this week the death of Mrs Catherine Kain, relict of the late Martin Kain, of Hamley Bridge, which took place at Leighton on Monday, at the age of 88 years. The deceased lady, who was the mother of Mrs. J. Q. Hogan, of Leighton, resided with her daughter for the past 10 years. Mrs Kain enjoyed excellent health up to the last few weeks. She had a good memory and excellent eyesight, not finding it necessary to wear glasses. The remains of the deceased lady left this morning from Leighton for Farrell Flat, thence by train to Hamley Bridge where the family vault will be used.
June 1908
Mrs. James Doyle, relict of the late Mr. James Doyle, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Hamley Bridge district, died on Thursday at the age of 74. She was a colonist of 53 years, and a resident of the district of Hamley Bridge for 41 years. She had resided on the same farm the whole of that time. Her death, was quite unexpected, as, though, slightly, unwell, she actively engaged in household duties only the day before. Her Eldest son (Mr. John Doyle) is Chairman of the Alma District Council, and has been a member of the council so many times that he held a seat in it for 16 years without a break. She has left 4 sons and 2 daughters, 21 grandchildren, and 1 great-grand child.
Mrs. James Doyle, relict of the late Mr. James Doyle, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Hamley Bridge district, died on Thursday at the age of 74. She was a colonist of 53 years, and a resident of the district of Hamley Bridge for 41 years. She had resided on the same farm the whole of that time. Her death, was quite unexpected, as, though, slightly, unwell, she actively engaged in household duties only the day before. Her Eldest son (Mr. John Doyle) is Chairman of the Alma District Council, and has been a member of the council so many times that he held a seat in it for 16 years without a break. She has left 4 sons and 2 daughters, 21 grandchildren, and 1 great-grand child.
November 1908
The death of Mr. Philip Paterson, an old colonist, occurred at Hamley Bridge on Wednesday. The deceased, who was 88 years of age, had a wide circle of friends. His pioneering work extended over half a century, and was chiefly confined to agriculture. Over 50 years ago he was engaged in mixed farming at Nuriootpa, and 35years ago he took up land in the Hamley Bridge district. Several years later he went to Booleroo Centre, and subsequently left his son Silas to manage the farm there. Then he again commenced farming at Hamley Bridge. Mr. Paterson, who married Mrs. Coulthard, the widow of the explorer, who died in the interior, left two sons Mr. Silas Paterson, of Booleroo Centre, and Mr. Charles Paterson, of Hamley Bridge.
June 1909
On Saturday afternoon the news was wired to Hamley Bridge that Mr Gerald Kain, the late secretary of the local football club had passed away at his mother's home at Parkside at the age of 22 years. Mr. Kain had been, a great help to all kinds of sport until quite recently, when he was compelled to give up all, on account of illhealth. The body was brought to Hamley Bridge by the morning train from Adelaide, and interred in the Pinkerton Plains cemetery. A large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the grave. The Druids Lodge, and a good number of footballers walked to the cemetery. Flags were placed at half-mast, and in the afternoon the Hamley Bridge footballers, in the match with Salisburys, each wore a black band out of respect for their late secretary.
The death of Mr. Philip Paterson, an old colonist, occurred at Hamley Bridge on Wednesday. The deceased, who was 88 years of age, had a wide circle of friends. His pioneering work extended over half a century, and was chiefly confined to agriculture. Over 50 years ago he was engaged in mixed farming at Nuriootpa, and 35years ago he took up land in the Hamley Bridge district. Several years later he went to Booleroo Centre, and subsequently left his son Silas to manage the farm there. Then he again commenced farming at Hamley Bridge. Mr. Paterson, who married Mrs. Coulthard, the widow of the explorer, who died in the interior, left two sons Mr. Silas Paterson, of Booleroo Centre, and Mr. Charles Paterson, of Hamley Bridge.
June 1909
On Saturday afternoon the news was wired to Hamley Bridge that Mr Gerald Kain, the late secretary of the local football club had passed away at his mother's home at Parkside at the age of 22 years. Mr. Kain had been, a great help to all kinds of sport until quite recently, when he was compelled to give up all, on account of illhealth. The body was brought to Hamley Bridge by the morning train from Adelaide, and interred in the Pinkerton Plains cemetery. A large number of friends and relatives followed the remains to the grave. The Druids Lodge, and a good number of footballers walked to the cemetery. Flags were placed at half-mast, and in the afternoon the Hamley Bridge footballers, in the match with Salisburys, each wore a black band out of respect for their late secretary.
August 1909
The death is announced of Mr. William Chapman, one of the oldest residents of Hamley Bridge, at the age of 84 years. Mr. Chapman left England in 1851, with his wife and one child. The infant died on the voyage. He first settled at Happy Valley, where he was well known. About 47 years ago, however, he removed to Hamley Bridge district. In spite of the difficulties and hardships farmers had to contend with in the earlier days he worked hard and by dint of foresight and remarkable industry reached an independent position. A widow, one son, and one daughter survive.
The death is announced of Mr. William Chapman, one of the oldest residents of Hamley Bridge, at the age of 84 years. Mr. Chapman left England in 1851, with his wife and one child. The infant died on the voyage. He first settled at Happy Valley, where he was well known. About 47 years ago, however, he removed to Hamley Bridge district. In spite of the difficulties and hardships farmers had to contend with in the earlier days he worked hard and by dint of foresight and remarkable industry reached an independent position. A widow, one son, and one daughter survive.
February 1910
The late Mr. Carrigg, who died recently at Hamley Bridge, was a very old colonist. He landed in South Australia in September, 1858, in the ship General Hewitt, and proceeded to Kapunda, at that time a mining town. Having remained for 12 months he engaged with the late Mr. J. J. Johnson, of Port Wakefeld, and afterwards went to Mintaro in the employ of Mr. Bowman. He returned to Kapunda in 1860. and started farming at Bagot's Gap, at the same time taking up a section at Pinkerton Plains, where he remained until the time of his death. He was married in 1861 to Miss O’Shaughnessy at St. Laurence 's Church, North Adelaide by the Rev. (now Monsignor) O’Byrne, of Goodwood. He was burn in Lissev Casey, County Clare, Ireland. A widow and family of eight— two sons and six daughters—survive. They are Mrs. Ronan, of Hamley; Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Arden Vale, Quorn; Mrs. M. Hawes, Mallala; and Misses Annie, Maggie, Catherine, and Messrs. John and James Carrigg.
The late Mr. Carrigg, who died recently at Hamley Bridge, was a very old colonist. He landed in South Australia in September, 1858, in the ship General Hewitt, and proceeded to Kapunda, at that time a mining town. Having remained for 12 months he engaged with the late Mr. J. J. Johnson, of Port Wakefeld, and afterwards went to Mintaro in the employ of Mr. Bowman. He returned to Kapunda in 1860. and started farming at Bagot's Gap, at the same time taking up a section at Pinkerton Plains, where he remained until the time of his death. He was married in 1861 to Miss O’Shaughnessy at St. Laurence 's Church, North Adelaide by the Rev. (now Monsignor) O’Byrne, of Goodwood. He was burn in Lissev Casey, County Clare, Ireland. A widow and family of eight— two sons and six daughters—survive. They are Mrs. Ronan, of Hamley; Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Arden Vale, Quorn; Mrs. M. Hawes, Mallala; and Misses Annie, Maggie, Catherine, and Messrs. John and James Carrigg.
June 1910
Death of Mr. L. Ryan, Hamley Bridge, June 6.- Profound regret was expressed in Hamley Bridge when it became known that Mr. L. Ryan, one of the town's most estimable residents, had died. The deceased was born in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, and when 34 years of age arrived in South Australia with his wife and three children by the ship Hesperides. For two years he was in business as a tailor in Adelaide, and then came to Hamley Bridge, where he fol lowed his trade on his own account up to within a few months of his death. During his residence of 32 years at Hamley Bridge he played no insignificant part in its development. In all matters pertaining to the welfare of the town he was always, in the vanguard. He left a widow and a family of five, namely:-Mr. Wilfred Ryan (Telegraph Department, Adelaide), Mrs.W. Wilmott (Adelaide), Mrs. M. O'Neill (Gawler), and the Misses M. and S. Ryan (Hamley Bridge). The deceased's remains were interred in the Pinkerton Plains Cemetery on Wednesday last.
Death of Mr. L. Ryan, Hamley Bridge, June 6.- Profound regret was expressed in Hamley Bridge when it became known that Mr. L. Ryan, one of the town's most estimable residents, had died. The deceased was born in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, and when 34 years of age arrived in South Australia with his wife and three children by the ship Hesperides. For two years he was in business as a tailor in Adelaide, and then came to Hamley Bridge, where he fol lowed his trade on his own account up to within a few months of his death. During his residence of 32 years at Hamley Bridge he played no insignificant part in its development. In all matters pertaining to the welfare of the town he was always, in the vanguard. He left a widow and a family of five, namely:-Mr. Wilfred Ryan (Telegraph Department, Adelaide), Mrs.W. Wilmott (Adelaide), Mrs. M. O'Neill (Gawler), and the Misses M. and S. Ryan (Hamley Bridge). The deceased's remains were interred in the Pinkerton Plains Cemetery on Wednesday last.
August 1911
Mrs. Thomas Hamilton Ayliffe died lit Hamley Bridge on Wednesday at the age of 83 years. She arrived in South Australia with her parents in 1839, and was a daughter of the late Mr, Bell, who conducted a maltster's business at the Sturt, near Marion, for a number of years. Mr. Ayliffe farmed for some time at Ayliffe's Hill, near Darlington, and then removed to Stockport where for many years he contended against drought and other difficulties. Mrs. Ayliffe lived at Hamley Bridge for about 20 years. The sons and daughters who survive are: — Messrs. John Ayliffe, of Western Australia; Arthur and Alfred, of Balaklava; Edmund of Hamley Bridge, and Hubert, of Adelaide; Mesdames John Martin, of Gladstone; George Martin, R. Pillar, and J.T. Quinn, of Hamley Bridge.
January 1912
Mr. Joseph Black, who had been failing in health for some time, died at his residence, Elisabeth-street, North Croydon, on Tuesday. He was a partner of the late firm of Deland & Black, millers, who had flourmills at Mallala, Blyth and Hamley Bridge. After the death of his old partner Mr. Deland he traded on his own account under the name of J. Black & Co. at Hamley Bridge. Mr. Black, who lived at Hamley Bridge until recently, was a prominent and respected townsman. He was president of the Hamley Bridge Agricultural Society and treasurer of the Hamley Bridge Congregational Church for many years. His kind nature and willingness to help others made him many friends. He left a widow, four daughters (Mrs. O. H. Finlayson, of Hamley Bridge, Mrs. R. Burns, of Croydon and Misses Nellie and Jessie Black, of Croydon and two sons (Messrs. J. H. G. Black, of Hamley Bridge, and S. J. Black, of Croydon).
April 1912
By the death of Mr. John Quinn of Hamley Bridge, on April 22, the State has lost one of its earliest native-born citizens. Mr. Quinn first saw the light in a mud hut at Hindmarsh on September 2, 1840. The doctor who attended at his birth was carried pick-a-back across the Torrens at night by the anxious father. At the time of his death deceased had in his possession a quaintly designed glass stoppered spirit flask which was personally left with Mr. Quinn's mother by the wife of Governor Hindmarsh, who evinced much interest in the infant's welfare. A block of land at Glen Osmond, at the junction of Mount Barker and Port Rush roads, having been purchased by the family, Mr. Quinn passed some of his early days in a low-walled stone house which his father built thereon, and which still does duty as a stable, opposite the 'Big Tree.' Having acquired a farm shortly after in the Onkaparinga district, near Woodside, at Inverbrackie, the family conducted farming operations until the outbreak of the Victorian gold diggings, when Mr. Quinn, then a lad of 12 years, accompanied his father and brother in a bullock dray across the 90 mile Desert and thence through the Wimmera to Mount Alexander. They were fairly fortunate, and on their return a grazing property was purchased at the Gorge, between Normanville and Second Valley. This did not prove a success, and the late Mr. 0uinn, travelled by dray into the lower north up through the districts of Light and Port Wakefield, then an almost trackless sea of mallee and pine— but now some of our most highly valued wheatlands. Many years were 'passed as a trusty employee of Messrs, Bowman on Martindale Station, near Mintaro, followed by a period of wheatgrowing and dairying conducted through those extremely bad times which preceded the introduction of the superphosphates. This was the period when wheat touched 1/9 a bushel, and the returns from share farming did not pay for feeding the horses. During the last few years Mr. Quinn lived at Hamley Bridge he engaged in the building business carried on by J. T, Quinn & Co. The deceased, who was an adherent of the Methodist Church, was also a stanch teetotaller, and a non-smoker for 40 years. He had many lively incidents to relate of the struggles of the early settlers and their families when boys not yet in their teens drove teams of bullocks among the rough unformed tracks through the Tiers (Mount Lofty Ranges) to the city during all hours of the night and day. A widow and three sons— Messrs. J. T., of Hamley Bridge; W. H., of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia and George Quinn, of Adelaide, survive. Of the deceased's own family four sisters and a brother— who was born at Hindmarsh in a tent in 1838 — still reside in South Australia and Western Australia.
April 1912
The death of Mrs. John Baker at Hamley Bridge on April 24 removed a very old resident
from the district. The deceased, who was the youngest daughter of the Rev. Francis Wills, of King's Gate Chapel, London, was born within the sound of Bow Bells in 1833. Having come to South Australia in 1865, deceased resided first at Redruth, and then at Adelaide, where Miss Wills was united to the Church of Christ by Mr. T. Gore, M.A. She went to Alma Plains in 1868, and in the following year was married to Mr. John Baker. The couple, who had resided in the district ever since, gained the deep respect of all. Mrs. Baker was a student of the Bible, and had read it through every year for a great number of years. She was one of the first members of the Church of Christ at Alma South. A widower, and two sons (Messrs. H. Baker, of Barabba, and L. Baker, of Mangain, N.S.W.) survive.
August 1913
Mrs. James Carrigg, who died on Saturday at her residence, Pinkerton Plains, near Hamley Bridge, at the age of 80, was a prominent identity of that district, she was born in County Galway, Ireland, in 1833, and came to South Australia in 1851. She told many tales of those old days. When she walked, to Prospect, to see friends, she used to tie ribbon on the trees so that she could find her way home. In 1861 Mrs. Carrigg met her future husband at Bagot's Gap, and was married in that year by Mgr. Byrne at St. Patrick's Church, West terrace, Adelaide. The late Mr. Carrigg farmed land at Bagot’s Gap on halves, and shortly afterwards the couple, settled on Pinkerton Plains, and selected land within three miles of Hamley Bridge. For the first two years they lived in a tent. The plains in those days were in their natural state, and blacks, kangaroos, and emus were plentiful.. Near by is St. Benedict's Church, which the Carrigg family were mainly instrumental in building. There are eight living members of the family — Mrs. John and James Carrigg, Mrs. Ronan (Pinkerton Plains), Mrs. John Fitzgerald (Angle Vale), Mrs. H. Hawes (Owen), Misses A. M. and C. Carrigg (Pinkerton Plains).
September 1913
Mr. James Freebairn, who died after a short illness at his residence, Alma Plains, on Sunday, at the age of 50, was a well-known identity, in the district. He was born on the plains, and served a number of years as a Councillor in the Alma Plains District Council. Deceased was well known for his strict integrity in business and his kind heartedness won him a host of friends. He married Miss Jean Freebairn, his cousin, and there are four sons living. The eldest one has just left college. The funeral took place on September 2, and was largely at tended by relatives and friends.
October 1913
Mr. Joseph Bell, who was an old colonist, and resided at Hamley Bridge about 40 years, died on October 13 after a week’s illness. He was born near Hobart, Tasmania, in 1835, and with his parents arrived in South Australia in 1837. His parents left England in 1833, and after a short residence in Tasmania arrived here by the schooner Eudora, and settled near Adelaide. Mr. Bell spent the days of his boyhood in the city, and in 1851, with his father and brother, travelled overland to the Victorian goldfields. They took with them a dray and two horses, and a team of bullocks attached to a waggon. On arrival at the goldfield they sold their horses, bullocks, and vehicles, and did well on the diggings. Later Mr. Joseph Bell took up farming at Bagot's Well for a few years, and in the early sixties moved to Waterloo. He remained there some two years, and then began wheat-buying at Kapunda. In 1871 he went to Hamley Bridge as agent for Messrs. Verco Brothers, and although the firm changed its name several times he held the same position until his death, a term of forty years. Nearly forty years' ago Mr. Bell founded the Congregational Church at Hamley Bridge, and was a deacon of the church and a Sunday-school superintendent. Mr. Bell left a widow, five sons, and four daughters, and twenty-two grandchildren. The sons are Messrs. Wal- ter and Norman Bell, of the Northern Territory; Mr. Frank Bell, of Western Australia; and Mr. Graham Bell, of the Malay States. Mr. Graham Bell, who has eight months' leave of absence, arrived at his father’s house after an absence of ten years, the day after the deceased was taken ill. The daughters are Mesdames W. Cairns (Riverton), E. T. Tamblyn (Northern Territory), P. Watson (Gawler), and L. F. Powell (Booleroo Centre).
April 1914
Mr. John Doyle, of Hamley Bridge, died on Sunday. He was born at Waterfall Gully in October, 1861. His father arrived in South Australia in 1853 from Ireland, where he had been head gardener to a nobleman. Soon after his arrival he was engaged as head gardener by the late Sir Samuel Davenport. Twelve years later the father went to Hamley Bridge, and leased a large area of land from the South Australian Company at Alma Plains which he farmed for 40 years. At his death his sons, Messrs. John and Eddie Doyle, continued to farm. About two years ago Mr. John Doyle was seized with paralysis, and since then had been unable to carry on agriculture. He occupied a seat in the Alma Plains District Council for 22 years, and during the last three years acted as Chairman. Mr. Doyle's modest and retiring nature and his strict integrity won him a host of friends. He was a fine athlete in his day, and beat the old champion, Arthur Malcom, in 100 yards race many years ago, the time being about 10s. He married Miss. Fox, and leaves three sons and one daughter, who were all born in Hamley Bridge.
July 1914
On July 10 Mrs. Day, the widow of the late Mr. Samuel Day, died at Hamley Bridge, at the age of 85. She was born in Somersetshire, and was a colonist of 48 years. She arrived at Port Adelaide in the Sumner. On arrival the family resided in Norwood. Shortly afterwards they moved to Auburn. In those days (writes our Hamley Bridge correspondent) they had to travel by rail to Gawler, thence by teams mostly consisting of bullock drays, which took considerable time on account of the rough roads; but the people in those days were very kind, and helped each other. The houses mostly consisted of wattle and daub, with calico windows. However, they were made cosy, and had large fireplaces, and in the winter ,wood being plentiful, many good old yarns were told while the big black Iogs burned brightly. The subject of this sketch would brighten up when she spoke of the great revival meetings they used to have on the Wakefield, where they built a Methodist Chapel. Crowds would go there night after night. She quite recently spoke of the chapel, which she was so pleased to hear was still being used, and in a good state of preservation. She survived her husband by 10 years. Ever since then, she had lived in Hamley Bridge, and during the last few months had resided with her son-in-law (Mr. Frank J. Hill), at whose house she died. Two sons and four daughters survive.
Mr. James McMahon's gun accident proved fatal. He died at 4.30 p.m. today. He was born in the district in 1869 on his fathers farm, and assisted on it until he was old enough to start in business about 25 years ago, when he set up as a storekeeper in Hamley Bridge. During the last 15 years Mr. McMahon acted as wheat agent for the Farmers’ Union, and was much, respected in the district. He was the only son of Mr. John McMahon who taught in a State school for 15 years. His fafher also conducted a private school on his farm for many years, and 'retired 17 years ago to take up' his residence in Hamley Bridge. The deceased was a bachelor aged 45 years.
April 1915
Mr. John Cassaretto, on old and respected resident of the Hamley Bridge district for 50 years, died on Saturday last, at the age of 77. He was a native of Italy. His father, a sailor, was in command of a sailing vessel trading to many parts of the world, but principally to England. The captain lost his wife, and then took his only son, John, nine years of age, to sea with him. The boy sailed with his father until the latter’s death, and then continued a seafaring life until 1857, when his vessel reached Port Adelaide. Mr. Cassaretto remained in South Australia and soon took up land near Hamley Bridge. He resided in the district almost continuously until his death. He well remembered scenes in the township half a century ago, when the place abounded with kangaroos. Mrs. Caesaretto died a few days before her husband. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Schultze, who was appointed field naturalist to Goyder’s Expedition to the Northern Territory. She was an exceedingly expert taxidermist, and had many beautiful and well preserved specimens of her work in her possession. Mr. Cassaretto has left one daughter, Mrs. Mary Carmody, of Hamley Bridge, and three sons— Messrs. Charles Cassaretto, of Mount Bryan, John Cassaretto, of Gawler, and Daniel Cassaretto, of Hamley Bridge. Nine grandchildren also survive.
November 1917
The death took place recently at Willunga of Mr. Albert A. Jefferies, who came to South Australia with his wife in 1865. Though a gasfitter and brassfounder by trade, he did not follow that calling in Australia. He first obtained employment as a farm labourer near Noarlunga after which he worked at stone-cracking on the South-road. He often told how he wore out several pairs of coloured kid gloves brought from England, and fashionable at the time, in his endeavour to protect his blistering hands while breaking stones. Subsequently he obtained work as engine driver at the Noarlunga and Reynella flour mills. His wife relates that in those early days, in order to spend a day by the sea at Brighton, she had to make the journey in a bullock-dray. Mr. Jefferies went north to Saddleworth, where he worked for 14 years in Mr. Palmer's flourmill. In order to reach Saddleworth he had to take train to Kapunda, and complete the journey on foot, carrying his “bluey" over the intervening ranges. On leaving Saddleworth he removed to Hamley Bridge, where he spent 33 years, during most of which time he worked at Messrs. Deland and Black's mill. He took an interest in institute work, and for many years he was librarian at Hamley Bridge. He was a great lover of music, and for a long period he was a member of the Hamley Congregational choir, and conducted the singing on the occasion of the children's anniversaries. He left a widow, one daughter (Mrs. James Nelson, of West Adelaide), and five sons (Messrs. Alex Jefferies, Willunga: Albert Jefferies, Mount Bryan; Ralph C. Jefferies, Narrogin, W.A.; George L. Jefferies, Katanning, W.A.; and Lionel H. Jefferies, B.A., head teacher of the Quorn school).
November 1918
Mr. Richard Best, who died at his residence, Hamley Bridge recently, was born at St. Dennis, Cornwall, on October 8. 1843. He left England on March 12, 1866, in the ship Charlotte Gladstone. On arrival in this State he was employed in the Gawler and Willunga districts, but subsequently took up Iand on the Condowie Plains, near to Snowtown, where he was engaged in farming pursuits for more than 40 years. In 1913 he relinquished farming, and settled in Hamley Bridge, where he resided until his death. He was a Methodist local preacher for about 50 years. Two of his sons enlisted. One died in Egypt from illness and the other was killed in action in France. He has left a widow, one son (Mr. W. J. Best, Western Australia), and two daughters (Mrs. Day, of Hamley Bridge, and Mrs, Gay, of Melbourne).
May 1919
Our Hamley Bridge correspondent wrote on May 21:-Much regret was expressed here today, and flags were flying at half mast, when it became known that Mr. Samuel Gent, head schoolmaster here, had died suddenly early this morning, after a short illness. Mr. Gent, some seven and a half years ago, was transferred from Mount Pleasant to Hamley Bridge public school. He always took a prominent part in the advancement of the town, especially in the education of the young men, a number of whom attended evening classes held in the schoolroom by him. The deceased gentleman always assisted at the patriotic gatherings here. A widow and grown-up family survive.
November 1920
Mr. John McMahon, who died at Hamley Bridge last Thursday, was one of the most highly respected and best-known residents of the district. He arrived in South Australia in the ship Ernestine from County Clare, Ireland, on September 8, 1866, and shortly afterwards married Miss Bridget McNamara. He took up farming in the Mudla Wirra district, and also conducted a private school there for some years. Later he entered the Education Department, and was the first schoolmaster in charge of the Hamley Bridge Public School. Mr. McMahon remained at this post for many years, and in 1898, after 12 months' leave of absence, accepted the position of teacher at the Undalya School. Upon his retirement from the Education Department he returned to Hamley Bridge, and had reached the age of 80 years, when be died from the effects of pneumonia. He was a loyal adherent of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. McMahon was keenly interested in sport, and up to the time of his last illness could still shoot a hare or fox. In his earlier days he was a member of the Hamley Bridge Gun Club, and in 1884 won the silver cup for pigeon shooting. The deceased had six children, all of whom predeceased him. Two of his sons met their deaths at Hamley Bridge as the result of tragic accidents. A granddaughter and two great-grandsons survive.
April 1914
Mr. John Doyle, of Hamley Bridge, died on Sunday. He was born at Waterfall Gully in October, 1861. His father arrived in South Australia in 1853 from Ireland, where he had been head gardener to a nobleman. Soon after his arrival he was engaged as head gardener by the late Sir Samuel Davenport. Twelve years later the father went to Hamley Bridge, and leased a large area of land from the South Australian Company at Alma Plains which he farmed for 40 years. At his death his sons, Messrs. John and Eddie Doyle, continued to farm. About two years ago Mr. John Doyle was seized with paralysis, and since then had been unable to carry on agriculture. He occupied a seat in the Alma Plains District Council for 22 years, and during the last three years acted as Chairman. Mr. Doyle's modest and retiring nature and his strict integrity won him a host of friends. He was a fine athlete in his day, and beat the old champion, Arthur Malcom, in 100 yards race many years ago, the time being about 10s. He married Miss. Fox, and leaves three sons and one daughter, who were all born in Hamley Bridge.
July 1914
On July 10 Mrs. Day, the widow of the late Mr. Samuel Day, died at Hamley Bridge, at the age of 85. She was born in Somersetshire, and was a colonist of 48 years. She arrived at Port Adelaide in the Sumner. On arrival the family resided in Norwood. Shortly afterwards they moved to Auburn. In those days (writes our Hamley Bridge correspondent) they had to travel by rail to Gawler, thence by teams mostly consisting of bullock drays, which took considerable time on account of the rough roads; but the people in those days were very kind, and helped each other. The houses mostly consisted of wattle and daub, with calico windows. However, they were made cosy, and had large fireplaces, and in the winter ,wood being plentiful, many good old yarns were told while the big black Iogs burned brightly. The subject of this sketch would brighten up when she spoke of the great revival meetings they used to have on the Wakefield, where they built a Methodist Chapel. Crowds would go there night after night. She quite recently spoke of the chapel, which she was so pleased to hear was still being used, and in a good state of preservation. She survived her husband by 10 years. Ever since then, she had lived in Hamley Bridge, and during the last few months had resided with her son-in-law (Mr. Frank J. Hill), at whose house she died. Two sons and four daughters survive.
Mr. James McMahon's gun accident proved fatal. He died at 4.30 p.m. today. He was born in the district in 1869 on his fathers farm, and assisted on it until he was old enough to start in business about 25 years ago, when he set up as a storekeeper in Hamley Bridge. During the last 15 years Mr. McMahon acted as wheat agent for the Farmers’ Union, and was much, respected in the district. He was the only son of Mr. John McMahon who taught in a State school for 15 years. His fafher also conducted a private school on his farm for many years, and 'retired 17 years ago to take up' his residence in Hamley Bridge. The deceased was a bachelor aged 45 years.
April 1915
Mr. John Cassaretto, on old and respected resident of the Hamley Bridge district for 50 years, died on Saturday last, at the age of 77. He was a native of Italy. His father, a sailor, was in command of a sailing vessel trading to many parts of the world, but principally to England. The captain lost his wife, and then took his only son, John, nine years of age, to sea with him. The boy sailed with his father until the latter’s death, and then continued a seafaring life until 1857, when his vessel reached Port Adelaide. Mr. Cassaretto remained in South Australia and soon took up land near Hamley Bridge. He resided in the district almost continuously until his death. He well remembered scenes in the township half a century ago, when the place abounded with kangaroos. Mrs. Caesaretto died a few days before her husband. She was a daughter of the late Mr. Schultze, who was appointed field naturalist to Goyder’s Expedition to the Northern Territory. She was an exceedingly expert taxidermist, and had many beautiful and well preserved specimens of her work in her possession. Mr. Cassaretto has left one daughter, Mrs. Mary Carmody, of Hamley Bridge, and three sons— Messrs. Charles Cassaretto, of Mount Bryan, John Cassaretto, of Gawler, and Daniel Cassaretto, of Hamley Bridge. Nine grandchildren also survive.
November 1917
The death took place recently at Willunga of Mr. Albert A. Jefferies, who came to South Australia with his wife in 1865. Though a gasfitter and brassfounder by trade, he did not follow that calling in Australia. He first obtained employment as a farm labourer near Noarlunga after which he worked at stone-cracking on the South-road. He often told how he wore out several pairs of coloured kid gloves brought from England, and fashionable at the time, in his endeavour to protect his blistering hands while breaking stones. Subsequently he obtained work as engine driver at the Noarlunga and Reynella flour mills. His wife relates that in those early days, in order to spend a day by the sea at Brighton, she had to make the journey in a bullock-dray. Mr. Jefferies went north to Saddleworth, where he worked for 14 years in Mr. Palmer's flourmill. In order to reach Saddleworth he had to take train to Kapunda, and complete the journey on foot, carrying his “bluey" over the intervening ranges. On leaving Saddleworth he removed to Hamley Bridge, where he spent 33 years, during most of which time he worked at Messrs. Deland and Black's mill. He took an interest in institute work, and for many years he was librarian at Hamley Bridge. He was a great lover of music, and for a long period he was a member of the Hamley Congregational choir, and conducted the singing on the occasion of the children's anniversaries. He left a widow, one daughter (Mrs. James Nelson, of West Adelaide), and five sons (Messrs. Alex Jefferies, Willunga: Albert Jefferies, Mount Bryan; Ralph C. Jefferies, Narrogin, W.A.; George L. Jefferies, Katanning, W.A.; and Lionel H. Jefferies, B.A., head teacher of the Quorn school).
November 1918
Mr. Richard Best, who died at his residence, Hamley Bridge recently, was born at St. Dennis, Cornwall, on October 8. 1843. He left England on March 12, 1866, in the ship Charlotte Gladstone. On arrival in this State he was employed in the Gawler and Willunga districts, but subsequently took up Iand on the Condowie Plains, near to Snowtown, where he was engaged in farming pursuits for more than 40 years. In 1913 he relinquished farming, and settled in Hamley Bridge, where he resided until his death. He was a Methodist local preacher for about 50 years. Two of his sons enlisted. One died in Egypt from illness and the other was killed in action in France. He has left a widow, one son (Mr. W. J. Best, Western Australia), and two daughters (Mrs. Day, of Hamley Bridge, and Mrs, Gay, of Melbourne).
May 1919
Our Hamley Bridge correspondent wrote on May 21:-Much regret was expressed here today, and flags were flying at half mast, when it became known that Mr. Samuel Gent, head schoolmaster here, had died suddenly early this morning, after a short illness. Mr. Gent, some seven and a half years ago, was transferred from Mount Pleasant to Hamley Bridge public school. He always took a prominent part in the advancement of the town, especially in the education of the young men, a number of whom attended evening classes held in the schoolroom by him. The deceased gentleman always assisted at the patriotic gatherings here. A widow and grown-up family survive.
November 1920
Mr. John McMahon, who died at Hamley Bridge last Thursday, was one of the most highly respected and best-known residents of the district. He arrived in South Australia in the ship Ernestine from County Clare, Ireland, on September 8, 1866, and shortly afterwards married Miss Bridget McNamara. He took up farming in the Mudla Wirra district, and also conducted a private school there for some years. Later he entered the Education Department, and was the first schoolmaster in charge of the Hamley Bridge Public School. Mr. McMahon remained at this post for many years, and in 1898, after 12 months' leave of absence, accepted the position of teacher at the Undalya School. Upon his retirement from the Education Department he returned to Hamley Bridge, and had reached the age of 80 years, when be died from the effects of pneumonia. He was a loyal adherent of the Roman Catholic Church. Mr. McMahon was keenly interested in sport, and up to the time of his last illness could still shoot a hare or fox. In his earlier days he was a member of the Hamley Bridge Gun Club, and in 1884 won the silver cup for pigeon shooting. The deceased had six children, all of whom predeceased him. Two of his sons met their deaths at Hamley Bridge as the result of tragic accidents. A granddaughter and two great-grandsons survive.
February 1923
The death occurred at Hamley Bridge on Sunday of Mr. J. J. Murphy, a well known and popular racehorse owner, of Pinkerton Plains, at the age of 50 years. Mr. Murphy's successes on the turf include a Foundation Handicap and many minor events at country meetings.
In sporting circles it will be learned with regret that Mr. J. J. Murphy, a well-known and popular racehorse owner of Pinkerton Plains, died on Sunday night , at a private hospital in Hamley Bridge as the result of an accident. A few days ago he was mounting one of his horses in a loose box, when the animal reared suddenly and Mr. Murphy's head struck against a beam in the roof, with the result that he sustained a compound fracture of the skull. He owned Royal Pomander, Aurie, Surle. Royal Pistol, Sir Anton. and other well-known horses.
March 1924
February 1923
The death occurred at Hamley Bridge on Sunday of Mr. J. J. Murphy, a well known and popular racehorse owner, of Pinkerton Plains, at the age of 50 years. Mr. Murphy's successes on the turf include a Foundation Handicap and many minor events at country meetings.
In sporting circles it will be learned with regret that Mr. J. J. Murphy, a well-known and popular racehorse owner of Pinkerton Plains, died on Sunday night , at a private hospital in Hamley Bridge as the result of an accident. A few days ago he was mounting one of his horses in a loose box, when the animal reared suddenly and Mr. Murphy's head struck against a beam in the roof, with the result that he sustained a compound fracture of the skull. He owned Royal Pomander, Aurie, Surle. Royal Pistol, Sir Anton. and other well-known horses.
March 1924
Mr. Frederick Chenoweth of Hamley Bridge, whose death was announced in our columns recently, was born in Cornwall on May 28, 1851. He arrived at Port Adelaide by the Aurora in 1856. Mr. Chenoweth lived in Hamley Bridge for 52 years, and was well known and respected. He was an employee of Messrs. J Black & Co. for 36 years, and on his retirement from that firm a few years ago he was presented with a gold medal. In his younger days Mr. Chenoweth was noted for his great strength. During the last few years he had devoted his attention to gardening, at which he was an expert. Mr. Chenoweth was married twice. There were 11 children by the first marriage and 10 by the second. Besides a widow, a family of 16 survive him.
April 1924
An old colonist has passed away in the person of Mr. John Baker, who died on April 10, at Hamley Bridge, after a long illness. He was 80 years of age. Mr. Baker was born at Devizes, Wiltshire, England, on October 7, 1843. He left in the Ocean Chief on December 28, 1863, and landed in Australia after 94 days at sea. He proceeded to Alma Plains, where he worked for the late Mr. Robert Harkness. Mr. Baker had resided within seven miles of Alma Plains for 60 years. He was a member of the Church of Christ for 58 years. After working for farmers for two years, he took up the land known as Baker's Corner. He has left two sons, six grandsons, two grand daughters, and one great grand-daughter.
July 1924
Mr. Charles Edgar Woods, who died suddenly at his residence, Walkerville, a few days ago, was a son of Mr. James Parkes Woods, and was born at Gawler on December 30, 1866. His father was in the early days a partner for many years in the firm of Woods & Robertson, Willaston, Gawler. Mr. C. E. Woods early life was spent in Gawler, and his initiation into the business world was made when he began his career with the late Mr. Joseph Willcox. His business acumen was recognised when later Sir Edward Lucas (the present Agent General for South Australia in London) purchased the general storekeeping business from Mr. Willcox, retaining Mr. Woods services. Mr. Woods, in course of time, progressed with the firm, eventually becoming head of each department of the store. In 1893 he married Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coath, pioneers of early Bendigo. In 1896 he assumed charge of Sir Edward Lucas' Hamley Bridge store, and ten years later "The White House", Balaklava. During his residence in these towns he identified himself with every movement for the welfare of the towns. In 1913, he purchased the Hamley Bridge business from Sir Edward Lucas, and with his family took up residence there. During his nine years stay in the town he was appointed a justice of the peace. He was a worker on all patriotic committees during the war. He served the town as a member of the local repatriation committee, institute committee, Councillor for Alma Plains District Council, and office bearer of the Trinity Congregational Church. He held most of these offices until two and a half years ago, when a breakdown in health compelled him to relinquish them for 12 months in the hope that he would regain his health. He then came to reside at Walkerville, where he opened a business eighteen months ago. An associate has said of Mr. Woods:- "His conscientiousness in business was a proverb." At the time of his death he was connected with the Walkerville Institute as committeeman, and with the Walkerville Bowling Club, of which he was a foundation member. He leaves a widow, four sons, Messrs. Stanley, Bruce, and Kenneth Woods (Walkerville), and Douglas Woods (Cowell), and four daughters, Misses Claire, Lilian, and Doreen Woods, and Mrs. G. H. Castle.
October 1924
Mr. James Bell, of Hamley Bridge, whose death was recently announced in our columns, was born at Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland. He came to South Australia with his parents in 1856 in the ship The Duchess of Northumberland. He was only 7 years of age when he arrived in South Australia. He took up farming when quite a young man with his brothers near Tarlee. He afterwards worked on the railway for a little over a year, and then took up farming at Hamley Bridge, where he resided for the rest of his life. Soon after he took up his residence at Hamley Bridge he married the eldest daughter of Mr. H. Hoepner, of Alma Plains. He was a great supporter of the Congregational Church, and was one of the first, attendants when the local church was started. He was very prominent in the local branch of the Liberal Union, and was also president of the Rifle Club. In his younger days he was one of the most prominent cricketers in the district. A widow, four sons, and five daughters survive him—Messrs. G. Bell (Waikerie), J. Bell, A. P. Bell, and D. A. Bell of Hamley Bridge: Mesdames R. Bland (Maylands), A. BelI (Hamley Bridge), A. Schahinger (Hamley Bridge), O. Baeker (Alma Plains), and Miss B. Bell (Hamley Bridge).
March 1925
Mrs. Joseph Black, of Croydon, who died last Sunday was 71 years of age. She was born at Llandovery, Wales, and came to South Australia in 1857. Many years of her life were spent at Hamley Bridge, where her husband, who died some time ago, engaged in the flour milling business, and established a big northern connection. By Mrs. Black's death, the Congregational Church has lost a devoted worker, as she was ever willing to lend a hand in the interests of the social and religious development of the district. Two sons Messrs, S. J. and H. G. Black, and three daughters Mrs. Oliver Finlayson (Glenunga), Mrs Sydney Pickering (Hawthorn), and Mrs. E. J. Glasson (Broken Hill), survive.
July 1925
The late Mrs. Charles W. Cant, who died at Hamley Bridge on July 2, was born at Rapid Bay in 1855. Her father, the late James Gobell, was one of the earliest residents in that locality. Sixteen years ago she removed with her husband and family to Hamley Bridge, where she had resided ever since. She was keenly interested in church work, and at the time of her death was President of the Methodist Ladies' Guild at Hamley Bridge. Her husband; two sons (Messrs. G. G. Cant and H. P. Cant, both of Hamley Bridge), and nine daughters (Mesdames H. Cook, Teatree Gully; C. E. Roper, Port Wakefield; W. Roper, Strathalbyn; H. Smith, Glenelg; J. Jones, Reynella; H. M. Bohnsack, Hamley Bridge; J. W. Brown, Forest Gardens; E. R. Arscott, Torrensville; and A. T. Hill, Tarlee) survive. There are also 31 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
April 1926
Mrs. Winifred O'Dea (nee Ryan), who died at her residence, Carrieton, on April 15 (writes our Carrieton correspondent) was 90 years of age. She was born in County Clare, Ireland. At the age of 25 she arrived in South Australia in the ship Lady Anne. Some years later she married the late Mr. Patrick O'Dea. The couple resided for many years at Hamley Bridge, where a family of 11 children was born. When the Hundreds of Eurelia and Tanyarrie were opened for selection in 1874; they took up several sections in the former hundred, and resided there until the death of Mr. O'Dea, about 20 years ago. Four children survive, namely, Nurse O'Dea, and Messrs. Cornelius (Carrieton), Thomas (Queensland), and Michael (Western Australia).
August 1926
Mrs. D. S. Gillies, of Hamley Bridge, whose death was announced in our columns recently, was born at Gawler on July 21, 1860. She was married in March, 1881. She lived at Gawler, Kapunda, and Blyth for several years before going to Hamley Bridge 32 years ago, and had resided there ever since. She took a prominent part in public and church affairs. She was a member of the Congregational Church choir for 32 years, member of the Congregational Ladies' Guild since its inception, leader of the young Worshippers’ league for the past five years, president of the Hamley Bridge Croquet Club, a member of the Literary Society, tennis club, and W.C.T.U., and on the committee of the Hamley Bridge public school. She left a widower, three daughters (Mesdames J. H. Bell, Hamley Bridge, D. J. Robertson, Torrensville, and C. Excell, Torrensville), and three sons (Messrs. H. S. Gillies and B. A. Gillies, Hamley Bridge, and C. M. Gillies, Prospect).
When Sir James Stephen Goold, whose death was recorded in "The Advertiser" on Tuesday, arrived in South Australia in 1864, he went to Hamley Bridge, where he worked until 1881. He married Miss Bridget Mary, a daughter of Mr. P. Jordan (formerly of Stockport), and a sister of Mr. John Jordan (Hamley Bridge), and Patrick Jordan (Exmouth-road, Exeter). Sir James went to Gladstone in 1888, and lived there until his death. He did not marry a second time.
January 1927
Mr. Jonathan Freer, who died at Hamley Bridge recently, was born in Swinden, England, 73 years ago, and came to Australia in the James Jordine at the age of five years (states our local correspondent). After residing at Templers and Freeling with his parents, he joined the South Australian Railways in 1876, and in 1877 he married Miss Mary Woolford. They resided at Roseworthy for 36 years. Owing to ill-health, Mr. Freer resigned from the railways eight years ago, and has since resided at Hamley Bridge. There were nine children. A widow and seven children survive. They are Messrs. J. W. and H. Freer, Hamley Bridge and A. C. Freer Kadina, Mesdames H. Hart, E. Speck, E. Henneker, and Miss Freer, all of Hamley Bridge. There are 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
February 1927
Mr. Thomas Walkom, who died at Hamley Bridge on February 14, was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Walkom of Mount Barker, in which town he was born 72 years ago. Mr. Walkom's early days, were spent at Mount Barker and Moonta. When the northern areas were opened up, he began business as a boot and shoe maker at Tarcowie, where he remained for a period of 20 years. His next place of residence was Port Elliot, where he remained for several years, removing to Hamley Bridge in 1905. In his early days Mr. Walkom took a prominent part in public affairs, and was a Methodist local preacher for 50 years, and superintendent of Sunday schools for approximately 40 years. He was an active member of both Methodist and Congregational Churches at Hamley Bridge. He was of a very happy disposition, and was highly respected by all with whom he came in contact. Besides the widow, two sons— Messrs. W. B. Walkom (Cummins) and S. N. Walkom (Port Augusta)— survive.
April 1927
Mr. John Barclay, who died suddenly on March 25, at Hamley Bridge, was born at Goolwa 62 years ago. His father, Captain John Barclay, was well known as a master in the river service at that time. The family moved to Milbrook, and thence to Mundoora when that district was first opened up for farming. Mr.Barclay received his education at Mundoora, and later took up farming pursuits in that district, where he was one of the first settlers. He was married in 1891 to the daughter of Mr. James Fletcher, of Port Broughton. Mr. Barclay moved to Hamley Bridge in 1899. There he engaged in farming until a few years ago, when he moved into the town and went into business. He was also clerk of the district council. He took an active interest in public affairs. Among the public bodies of which he was a member were the Liberal Union, the institute committee, the school committee, the repatriation committee, and the District Council of Alma Plains, which he was connected with as councillor, chairman, and clerk for about 17 years. He was also a member and an officer in to Congregational Church, and a Freemason, he leaves a widow and five sons.
May 1927
Mr. Archibald Freebairn recently died suddenly at his residence, Alma Plains (writes our Alma correspondent). Deceased was the second son.of the late Mr. John Youl Freebairn, and was born at Alma 61 years ago. He farmed continuously on some of the original land owned by his father, who died 60 years ago. As a wheatgrower he was very successful. He possessed a genial disposition, and lived a retired life. He was most charitable to deserving causes. Mr. Freebairn was a member of the Balaklava Racing Club and a country member of the Commercial Travellers' Club. In 1898 he married Miss Isabella Wilson, of the Education Department who survives him. The family comprises - Messrs. N. Freebairn (England), Bruce and Hector Freebairn (Alma), Colin Freebairn (Strathalbyn), Misses Effie Freebairn (Alma) and May Freebairn (North Adelaide).
August 1927
Mr. Michael Jordan, who died at Hamley Bridge on August 12. was a well-known resident of that district, and had many friends. He was born in County Clare, Ireland, and attained the age of 79. He arrived in South Australia in 1876 in the Astrachan, and lived for some years at Malalla, and later moved to Hamley Bridge where he took up farming. He resided in the latter district 33 years. He left a widow, seven sons and one daughter. Messrs J. F. Jordan (Meribah). M. Jordan (Hamley Bridge). J. Jordan (Torrensville), F. Jordan (Prospect). T. and W. Jordan (Peterborough) A. Jordan (Adelaide), and Mrs. L. Doyle, of Murray Bridge. There are seven grandchildren.
April 1928
On Friday evening consternation was caused on the local bowling green by the sudden collapse of Mr. A. G. Brock (writes our Hamley Bridge correspondent). Mr. Brock was engaged in a tournament game with Mr. H. Baeker, when he pitched for ward after delivering a bowl, and died almost immediately. Mr. Brock was highly esteemed in the district. He was born at Nuriootpa 70 years ago, and went with his parents to live at Wallaroo when four years of age. He resided in that town for more than 30 years, and was employed in the smelting works. Subsequently he entered the Railways. Department. He married Miss Annie Oliphant, and went to live in Hamley Bridge with his wife and two sons, about 35 years ago. His wife died in 1910, and in 1921 he married Miss Clara Bohnsack. He retired from the Railway Department in February of last year. Mr. Brock was an excellent townsman and supported all progressive movements. He was one of the founders of the Hamley Bridge show, and was for many years a committeeman. He was a member of the institute committee for a long period, and served as assistant librarian. Mr. Brock was a foundation member of the park committee: Other positions held by Mr. Brock in Hamley Bridge were:— Superintendent of the juvenile Rechabites, deacon of the Congregational Church, and vice-president of the Cricket Club. Mr. Brock's hobby was poultry, and he was a successful exhibitor at the Adelaide Show and at numerous country shows. He was judge in the poultry section at many shows, including the Adelaide Dog and Poultry Show. He has left a widow, and two sons (Messrs. L. A. Brock, of Tumby Bay, and G. A. Brock, of Adelaide.
June 1928
Mrs. Mary Kain, who died at Pinkerton Plains on Sunday last, after a long illness, was 66 years of age. She was married at Mount Barker in 1892, and lived at Mount Torrens until 1909, when, with her husband and family, she removed to Hamley Bridge, where Mr. Kain took over the property now occupied by Mr. T. Fidock. The family removed to the present homestead about seven years ago. Mr. Kain died in 1911, and the youngest child died in 1914. Three sons and three daughters are left. Mesdames W. J. Meaney and J. McCabe, Miss A. Kain, and Messrs. John, Allan, and James Kain, all of Hamley Bridge.
August 1928
Mrs. Anne Charlton, who died at her son's residence, Kingston terrace, North Adelaide, on Friday, was born at Southwick, England, in 1846. She came out in the ship Hesperus (Capt. Harry) with her three-year-old son. With her husband, Mr. H. J. Charlton, who predeceased her by eight years, she settled at Hamley Bridge, where they opened the railway refreshment hall, and later kept the Dublin Hotel. Subsequently they were at the Terowie railway rooms, Gawler, and Port Adelaide. Mrs. Charlton will be well remembered by many thousands of the travelling public.
July 1929
Mr. Thomas George Virgo, of Hamley Bridge, who died in Adelaide recently, was born at North Adelaide in 1856, and was educated at the late Mr. Stephen-son's school at Glenelg. At the close of his school days he entered the bakery trade with Mr. Septimus Beck, of Glenelg, with whom he remained for two years. He then engaged with his brother David at Mallala, at the black- smithing business. After three years he proceeded to Darlington, where he became associated with the late Mr. Culver. Four years later Mr. Virgo entered the employ of the late Mr. Peddy, coachbuilder, of Norwood. In 1898 Mr. Virgo established a business as a blacksmith and coachbuilder at Hamley Bridge, which he conducted until ten months before his death. He was a successful exhibitor at many shows held at Balaklava, Hamley Bridge, and other country towns, and held a prominent place among the manufacturers of vehicles and implements in the State. Mr. Virgo had been connected with the Sons of Temperance Lodge of Norwood since 1876, and passed through all offices. He was actively connected with the Methodist Church at Hamley Bridge, being a trustee from its inception, and also the Hamley Masonic Lodge, having held the position of master. In 1877 he married Marian Adelaide, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kendle, of Adelaide, and had a family of four daughters and one son. He left a widow and three daughters and one son—Miss T. G. Virgo (Hamley Bridge), Mrs. J. Drennan (Fremantle, W.A.), Mrs. L. Ticklie (Glenelg), Mrs. A. J. McLeod (Keswick), and Mr. H. Virgo (Strathalbyn). There are eleven grandchildren and six great grand- children.
September 1929
The late Mr. Charles W. Cant, who passed away last week, aged 78, was a former resident of Rapid Bay. His father was permanently disabled, whilst loading a ketch at Second Valley jetty. Mr. Peter Hooper, at that time landlord of the Finnis Vale Hotel, also suffered injury in the same accident. Mr. Cant married Miss Gobell, who was born at Rapid Bay in 1855, and whose family lived on a hill near Bullaparinga, facing a deep gully known as Wild Dog Gully, leading down to Rapid Bay. About 20 years ago Mr. Cant left the south for Hamley Bridge, where he prospered deservedly, being a hardworking, straightforward, worthy citizen. Mrs. Cant died at Hamley Bridge in 1925. There were 11 children, including Messrs. G. C. Cant and R. P. Cant (both of Hamley Bridge), and nine daughters—Mesdames H. Cook (Teatree Gully). C. E. Roper (Port Wakefield), W. Roper (Strathalbyn), H. Smith (Glenelg), J. Jones (Reynella), H. M. Bohnsack (Hamley Bridge), J. W. Brown (Forest Gardens), F. R. Arscott (Torrensville), and A. T. Hill (Tarlee). There are over 30 grandchildren, and some great-grandchildren.
November 1929
Mrs. Mary McArdle, -who died at her home at Avon on October 29, was a colonist of 75 years. Born at Ennistimon, County Clare, Ireland, she arrived in South Australia with her parents by the ship Nugget on her maiden voyage. The family made their home at Hackham. Later she married Mr. John McArdle, and with her husband she endured the hardships of pioneer farming on the Alma Plains. The deceased, who was widely known in the Hamley Bridge, Stockport, and Pinkerton Plains districts for her hospitality and practical assistance in times of sickness, had many experiences with the blacks, and remembered when the Torrens was crossed by means of stepping stones. In 1891 the family moved to the Avon district. Three years later Mr. McArdle died. Of a family of ten children five survive—Mrs. W. Catford (Parrakie), Miss Mary McArdle (Avon), and Messrs. Bernard, John, and Frank McArdle (Avon). The late Mr. Patrick McArdle, of Kilkenny, was also a son. There were 17 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.
July 1930
Mr. John O'Dea an old and respected resident of Hamley Bridge, died suddenly on Tuesday. He went home on that day after attending the monthly sale and unharnessed his horse, after which he went into the house and died without removing his coat. He was found on Thursday morning by Sergeant Colbey, who, on passing the house, noticed the peculiar state the horse was in, and investigated. Dr. Hancock was called and certified that death was due to heart failure. The deceased gentleman carried on the business of a carter in the town for many years, and was of a jovial disposition.
April 1924
An old colonist has passed away in the person of Mr. John Baker, who died on April 10, at Hamley Bridge, after a long illness. He was 80 years of age. Mr. Baker was born at Devizes, Wiltshire, England, on October 7, 1843. He left in the Ocean Chief on December 28, 1863, and landed in Australia after 94 days at sea. He proceeded to Alma Plains, where he worked for the late Mr. Robert Harkness. Mr. Baker had resided within seven miles of Alma Plains for 60 years. He was a member of the Church of Christ for 58 years. After working for farmers for two years, he took up the land known as Baker's Corner. He has left two sons, six grandsons, two grand daughters, and one great grand-daughter.
July 1924
Mr. Charles Edgar Woods, who died suddenly at his residence, Walkerville, a few days ago, was a son of Mr. James Parkes Woods, and was born at Gawler on December 30, 1866. His father was in the early days a partner for many years in the firm of Woods & Robertson, Willaston, Gawler. Mr. C. E. Woods early life was spent in Gawler, and his initiation into the business world was made when he began his career with the late Mr. Joseph Willcox. His business acumen was recognised when later Sir Edward Lucas (the present Agent General for South Australia in London) purchased the general storekeeping business from Mr. Willcox, retaining Mr. Woods services. Mr. Woods, in course of time, progressed with the firm, eventually becoming head of each department of the store. In 1893 he married Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Coath, pioneers of early Bendigo. In 1896 he assumed charge of Sir Edward Lucas' Hamley Bridge store, and ten years later "The White House", Balaklava. During his residence in these towns he identified himself with every movement for the welfare of the towns. In 1913, he purchased the Hamley Bridge business from Sir Edward Lucas, and with his family took up residence there. During his nine years stay in the town he was appointed a justice of the peace. He was a worker on all patriotic committees during the war. He served the town as a member of the local repatriation committee, institute committee, Councillor for Alma Plains District Council, and office bearer of the Trinity Congregational Church. He held most of these offices until two and a half years ago, when a breakdown in health compelled him to relinquish them for 12 months in the hope that he would regain his health. He then came to reside at Walkerville, where he opened a business eighteen months ago. An associate has said of Mr. Woods:- "His conscientiousness in business was a proverb." At the time of his death he was connected with the Walkerville Institute as committeeman, and with the Walkerville Bowling Club, of which he was a foundation member. He leaves a widow, four sons, Messrs. Stanley, Bruce, and Kenneth Woods (Walkerville), and Douglas Woods (Cowell), and four daughters, Misses Claire, Lilian, and Doreen Woods, and Mrs. G. H. Castle.
October 1924
Mr. James Bell, of Hamley Bridge, whose death was recently announced in our columns, was born at Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland. He came to South Australia with his parents in 1856 in the ship The Duchess of Northumberland. He was only 7 years of age when he arrived in South Australia. He took up farming when quite a young man with his brothers near Tarlee. He afterwards worked on the railway for a little over a year, and then took up farming at Hamley Bridge, where he resided for the rest of his life. Soon after he took up his residence at Hamley Bridge he married the eldest daughter of Mr. H. Hoepner, of Alma Plains. He was a great supporter of the Congregational Church, and was one of the first, attendants when the local church was started. He was very prominent in the local branch of the Liberal Union, and was also president of the Rifle Club. In his younger days he was one of the most prominent cricketers in the district. A widow, four sons, and five daughters survive him—Messrs. G. Bell (Waikerie), J. Bell, A. P. Bell, and D. A. Bell of Hamley Bridge: Mesdames R. Bland (Maylands), A. BelI (Hamley Bridge), A. Schahinger (Hamley Bridge), O. Baeker (Alma Plains), and Miss B. Bell (Hamley Bridge).
March 1925
Mrs. Joseph Black, of Croydon, who died last Sunday was 71 years of age. She was born at Llandovery, Wales, and came to South Australia in 1857. Many years of her life were spent at Hamley Bridge, where her husband, who died some time ago, engaged in the flour milling business, and established a big northern connection. By Mrs. Black's death, the Congregational Church has lost a devoted worker, as she was ever willing to lend a hand in the interests of the social and religious development of the district. Two sons Messrs, S. J. and H. G. Black, and three daughters Mrs. Oliver Finlayson (Glenunga), Mrs Sydney Pickering (Hawthorn), and Mrs. E. J. Glasson (Broken Hill), survive.
July 1925
The late Mrs. Charles W. Cant, who died at Hamley Bridge on July 2, was born at Rapid Bay in 1855. Her father, the late James Gobell, was one of the earliest residents in that locality. Sixteen years ago she removed with her husband and family to Hamley Bridge, where she had resided ever since. She was keenly interested in church work, and at the time of her death was President of the Methodist Ladies' Guild at Hamley Bridge. Her husband; two sons (Messrs. G. G. Cant and H. P. Cant, both of Hamley Bridge), and nine daughters (Mesdames H. Cook, Teatree Gully; C. E. Roper, Port Wakefield; W. Roper, Strathalbyn; H. Smith, Glenelg; J. Jones, Reynella; H. M. Bohnsack, Hamley Bridge; J. W. Brown, Forest Gardens; E. R. Arscott, Torrensville; and A. T. Hill, Tarlee) survive. There are also 31 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
April 1926
Mrs. Winifred O'Dea (nee Ryan), who died at her residence, Carrieton, on April 15 (writes our Carrieton correspondent) was 90 years of age. She was born in County Clare, Ireland. At the age of 25 she arrived in South Australia in the ship Lady Anne. Some years later she married the late Mr. Patrick O'Dea. The couple resided for many years at Hamley Bridge, where a family of 11 children was born. When the Hundreds of Eurelia and Tanyarrie were opened for selection in 1874; they took up several sections in the former hundred, and resided there until the death of Mr. O'Dea, about 20 years ago. Four children survive, namely, Nurse O'Dea, and Messrs. Cornelius (Carrieton), Thomas (Queensland), and Michael (Western Australia).
August 1926
Mrs. D. S. Gillies, of Hamley Bridge, whose death was announced in our columns recently, was born at Gawler on July 21, 1860. She was married in March, 1881. She lived at Gawler, Kapunda, and Blyth for several years before going to Hamley Bridge 32 years ago, and had resided there ever since. She took a prominent part in public and church affairs. She was a member of the Congregational Church choir for 32 years, member of the Congregational Ladies' Guild since its inception, leader of the young Worshippers’ league for the past five years, president of the Hamley Bridge Croquet Club, a member of the Literary Society, tennis club, and W.C.T.U., and on the committee of the Hamley Bridge public school. She left a widower, three daughters (Mesdames J. H. Bell, Hamley Bridge, D. J. Robertson, Torrensville, and C. Excell, Torrensville), and three sons (Messrs. H. S. Gillies and B. A. Gillies, Hamley Bridge, and C. M. Gillies, Prospect).
When Sir James Stephen Goold, whose death was recorded in "The Advertiser" on Tuesday, arrived in South Australia in 1864, he went to Hamley Bridge, where he worked until 1881. He married Miss Bridget Mary, a daughter of Mr. P. Jordan (formerly of Stockport), and a sister of Mr. John Jordan (Hamley Bridge), and Patrick Jordan (Exmouth-road, Exeter). Sir James went to Gladstone in 1888, and lived there until his death. He did not marry a second time.
January 1927
Mr. Jonathan Freer, who died at Hamley Bridge recently, was born in Swinden, England, 73 years ago, and came to Australia in the James Jordine at the age of five years (states our local correspondent). After residing at Templers and Freeling with his parents, he joined the South Australian Railways in 1876, and in 1877 he married Miss Mary Woolford. They resided at Roseworthy for 36 years. Owing to ill-health, Mr. Freer resigned from the railways eight years ago, and has since resided at Hamley Bridge. There were nine children. A widow and seven children survive. They are Messrs. J. W. and H. Freer, Hamley Bridge and A. C. Freer Kadina, Mesdames H. Hart, E. Speck, E. Henneker, and Miss Freer, all of Hamley Bridge. There are 20 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
February 1927
Mr. Thomas Walkom, who died at Hamley Bridge on February 14, was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Walkom of Mount Barker, in which town he was born 72 years ago. Mr. Walkom's early days, were spent at Mount Barker and Moonta. When the northern areas were opened up, he began business as a boot and shoe maker at Tarcowie, where he remained for a period of 20 years. His next place of residence was Port Elliot, where he remained for several years, removing to Hamley Bridge in 1905. In his early days Mr. Walkom took a prominent part in public affairs, and was a Methodist local preacher for 50 years, and superintendent of Sunday schools for approximately 40 years. He was an active member of both Methodist and Congregational Churches at Hamley Bridge. He was of a very happy disposition, and was highly respected by all with whom he came in contact. Besides the widow, two sons— Messrs. W. B. Walkom (Cummins) and S. N. Walkom (Port Augusta)— survive.
April 1927
Mr. John Barclay, who died suddenly on March 25, at Hamley Bridge, was born at Goolwa 62 years ago. His father, Captain John Barclay, was well known as a master in the river service at that time. The family moved to Milbrook, and thence to Mundoora when that district was first opened up for farming. Mr.Barclay received his education at Mundoora, and later took up farming pursuits in that district, where he was one of the first settlers. He was married in 1891 to the daughter of Mr. James Fletcher, of Port Broughton. Mr. Barclay moved to Hamley Bridge in 1899. There he engaged in farming until a few years ago, when he moved into the town and went into business. He was also clerk of the district council. He took an active interest in public affairs. Among the public bodies of which he was a member were the Liberal Union, the institute committee, the school committee, the repatriation committee, and the District Council of Alma Plains, which he was connected with as councillor, chairman, and clerk for about 17 years. He was also a member and an officer in to Congregational Church, and a Freemason, he leaves a widow and five sons.
May 1927
Mr. Archibald Freebairn recently died suddenly at his residence, Alma Plains (writes our Alma correspondent). Deceased was the second son.of the late Mr. John Youl Freebairn, and was born at Alma 61 years ago. He farmed continuously on some of the original land owned by his father, who died 60 years ago. As a wheatgrower he was very successful. He possessed a genial disposition, and lived a retired life. He was most charitable to deserving causes. Mr. Freebairn was a member of the Balaklava Racing Club and a country member of the Commercial Travellers' Club. In 1898 he married Miss Isabella Wilson, of the Education Department who survives him. The family comprises - Messrs. N. Freebairn (England), Bruce and Hector Freebairn (Alma), Colin Freebairn (Strathalbyn), Misses Effie Freebairn (Alma) and May Freebairn (North Adelaide).
August 1927
Mr. Michael Jordan, who died at Hamley Bridge on August 12. was a well-known resident of that district, and had many friends. He was born in County Clare, Ireland, and attained the age of 79. He arrived in South Australia in 1876 in the Astrachan, and lived for some years at Malalla, and later moved to Hamley Bridge where he took up farming. He resided in the latter district 33 years. He left a widow, seven sons and one daughter. Messrs J. F. Jordan (Meribah). M. Jordan (Hamley Bridge). J. Jordan (Torrensville), F. Jordan (Prospect). T. and W. Jordan (Peterborough) A. Jordan (Adelaide), and Mrs. L. Doyle, of Murray Bridge. There are seven grandchildren.
April 1928
On Friday evening consternation was caused on the local bowling green by the sudden collapse of Mr. A. G. Brock (writes our Hamley Bridge correspondent). Mr. Brock was engaged in a tournament game with Mr. H. Baeker, when he pitched for ward after delivering a bowl, and died almost immediately. Mr. Brock was highly esteemed in the district. He was born at Nuriootpa 70 years ago, and went with his parents to live at Wallaroo when four years of age. He resided in that town for more than 30 years, and was employed in the smelting works. Subsequently he entered the Railways. Department. He married Miss Annie Oliphant, and went to live in Hamley Bridge with his wife and two sons, about 35 years ago. His wife died in 1910, and in 1921 he married Miss Clara Bohnsack. He retired from the Railway Department in February of last year. Mr. Brock was an excellent townsman and supported all progressive movements. He was one of the founders of the Hamley Bridge show, and was for many years a committeeman. He was a member of the institute committee for a long period, and served as assistant librarian. Mr. Brock was a foundation member of the park committee: Other positions held by Mr. Brock in Hamley Bridge were:— Superintendent of the juvenile Rechabites, deacon of the Congregational Church, and vice-president of the Cricket Club. Mr. Brock's hobby was poultry, and he was a successful exhibitor at the Adelaide Show and at numerous country shows. He was judge in the poultry section at many shows, including the Adelaide Dog and Poultry Show. He has left a widow, and two sons (Messrs. L. A. Brock, of Tumby Bay, and G. A. Brock, of Adelaide.
June 1928
Mrs. Mary Kain, who died at Pinkerton Plains on Sunday last, after a long illness, was 66 years of age. She was married at Mount Barker in 1892, and lived at Mount Torrens until 1909, when, with her husband and family, she removed to Hamley Bridge, where Mr. Kain took over the property now occupied by Mr. T. Fidock. The family removed to the present homestead about seven years ago. Mr. Kain died in 1911, and the youngest child died in 1914. Three sons and three daughters are left. Mesdames W. J. Meaney and J. McCabe, Miss A. Kain, and Messrs. John, Allan, and James Kain, all of Hamley Bridge.
August 1928
Mrs. Anne Charlton, who died at her son's residence, Kingston terrace, North Adelaide, on Friday, was born at Southwick, England, in 1846. She came out in the ship Hesperus (Capt. Harry) with her three-year-old son. With her husband, Mr. H. J. Charlton, who predeceased her by eight years, she settled at Hamley Bridge, where they opened the railway refreshment hall, and later kept the Dublin Hotel. Subsequently they were at the Terowie railway rooms, Gawler, and Port Adelaide. Mrs. Charlton will be well remembered by many thousands of the travelling public.
July 1929
Mr. Thomas George Virgo, of Hamley Bridge, who died in Adelaide recently, was born at North Adelaide in 1856, and was educated at the late Mr. Stephen-son's school at Glenelg. At the close of his school days he entered the bakery trade with Mr. Septimus Beck, of Glenelg, with whom he remained for two years. He then engaged with his brother David at Mallala, at the black- smithing business. After three years he proceeded to Darlington, where he became associated with the late Mr. Culver. Four years later Mr. Virgo entered the employ of the late Mr. Peddy, coachbuilder, of Norwood. In 1898 Mr. Virgo established a business as a blacksmith and coachbuilder at Hamley Bridge, which he conducted until ten months before his death. He was a successful exhibitor at many shows held at Balaklava, Hamley Bridge, and other country towns, and held a prominent place among the manufacturers of vehicles and implements in the State. Mr. Virgo had been connected with the Sons of Temperance Lodge of Norwood since 1876, and passed through all offices. He was actively connected with the Methodist Church at Hamley Bridge, being a trustee from its inception, and also the Hamley Masonic Lodge, having held the position of master. In 1877 he married Marian Adelaide, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kendle, of Adelaide, and had a family of four daughters and one son. He left a widow and three daughters and one son—Miss T. G. Virgo (Hamley Bridge), Mrs. J. Drennan (Fremantle, W.A.), Mrs. L. Ticklie (Glenelg), Mrs. A. J. McLeod (Keswick), and Mr. H. Virgo (Strathalbyn). There are eleven grandchildren and six great grand- children.
September 1929
The late Mr. Charles W. Cant, who passed away last week, aged 78, was a former resident of Rapid Bay. His father was permanently disabled, whilst loading a ketch at Second Valley jetty. Mr. Peter Hooper, at that time landlord of the Finnis Vale Hotel, also suffered injury in the same accident. Mr. Cant married Miss Gobell, who was born at Rapid Bay in 1855, and whose family lived on a hill near Bullaparinga, facing a deep gully known as Wild Dog Gully, leading down to Rapid Bay. About 20 years ago Mr. Cant left the south for Hamley Bridge, where he prospered deservedly, being a hardworking, straightforward, worthy citizen. Mrs. Cant died at Hamley Bridge in 1925. There were 11 children, including Messrs. G. C. Cant and R. P. Cant (both of Hamley Bridge), and nine daughters—Mesdames H. Cook (Teatree Gully). C. E. Roper (Port Wakefield), W. Roper (Strathalbyn), H. Smith (Glenelg), J. Jones (Reynella), H. M. Bohnsack (Hamley Bridge), J. W. Brown (Forest Gardens), F. R. Arscott (Torrensville), and A. T. Hill (Tarlee). There are over 30 grandchildren, and some great-grandchildren.
November 1929
Mrs. Mary McArdle, -who died at her home at Avon on October 29, was a colonist of 75 years. Born at Ennistimon, County Clare, Ireland, she arrived in South Australia with her parents by the ship Nugget on her maiden voyage. The family made their home at Hackham. Later she married Mr. John McArdle, and with her husband she endured the hardships of pioneer farming on the Alma Plains. The deceased, who was widely known in the Hamley Bridge, Stockport, and Pinkerton Plains districts for her hospitality and practical assistance in times of sickness, had many experiences with the blacks, and remembered when the Torrens was crossed by means of stepping stones. In 1891 the family moved to the Avon district. Three years later Mr. McArdle died. Of a family of ten children five survive—Mrs. W. Catford (Parrakie), Miss Mary McArdle (Avon), and Messrs. Bernard, John, and Frank McArdle (Avon). The late Mr. Patrick McArdle, of Kilkenny, was also a son. There were 17 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.
July 1930
Mr. John O'Dea an old and respected resident of Hamley Bridge, died suddenly on Tuesday. He went home on that day after attending the monthly sale and unharnessed his horse, after which he went into the house and died without removing his coat. He was found on Thursday morning by Sergeant Colbey, who, on passing the house, noticed the peculiar state the horse was in, and investigated. Dr. Hancock was called and certified that death was due to heart failure. The deceased gentleman carried on the business of a carter in the town for many years, and was of a jovial disposition.
April 1932
Mr. John James Fitzgerald, who died at Quorn recently, was one of the oldest and most respected residents of the district. He was the eldest son of the late Gerald and Catherine Fitzgerald, and was born at Hamley Bridge in 1862. He was educated at the School of St. Joseph of that town. His father having died in 1881, he went north with his mother and seven brothers, and managed a farm for his mother in the Hundred of Yarrah. In 1906 be took up land at Arden Vale, on which he resided until his death. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Royal Northern Agricultural Society and the Quorn Jockey Club. He had a sound knowledge of farming and grazing, which lie combined very success fully. On January 25. 1893, at the Pinkerton Plains Church he married Miss Bridget Carrigg, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carrigg, of Hamley Bridge. Besides the widow, five daughters and three sons survive, namely. Miss Catherine Fitzgerald (Port Augusta), Mrs. W. Smith (Hawker), Mrs. T. N. Finlay (Quorn), Misses Mary and Margaret Fitzgerald (Arden Vale). Mr. Gerald Fitzgerald (Quorn), and Messrs. Jack and James Fitzgerald (Arden Vale).
December 1936
Mrs. Naomi Baker, 70, wile of Mr. F. H. Baker, of Hamley Bridge, died in Adelaide on November 6. She was the sixth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jephthah Good, late of Parkside and formerly of Alma Plains, and was born at Betchley in 1866. After her marriage at Alma Plains over 40 years ago, with her husband she lived at Claypans for a number of years. They moved to Barraba, and the last few years they had lived at Hamley Bridge. Mrs. Baker left beside her husband a family of five sons—F. J. Prospect; M. S. Langhorne's Creek; R. B. D. Nadda; J. E.. Alma; and E J. Barabba; and one daughter. Mrs. R. Briggs. There are eight grandchildren. One brother and six sisters survive. Two sons were at the Great War. Mrs. Baker was a member of the Church of Christ at Alma Plains for many years.
January 1937
Mr. William James Willis, who died at Florence Street, Hamley Bridge, recently, was born near Tarlee, 74 years ago. and lived there until 1925, when he handed over the property to his sons and retired to Hamley Bridge. He was the youngest son of the late Samuel Willis, one of the pioneers of the district, who came out from Cranford, Northamptonshire, in 1850. In 1887 he married Miss Ada Ann Robbins eldest daughter of the late Mr. John Robbins, of Stockport. Mr. Willis has left a widow, two sons and a daughter. They are Mr. E. G. E. Willis of Kensington Park; Mr. Geoffrey N. Willis, of Tarlee: and Mrs. W. H. Gow of Herbert street, Franklin. There are two grandsons. Mr. George Willis and Mr T. Howard, of Prospect; and a brother and sister.
February 1937
Mrs. Adelaide Bohnsack, who died recently at Hamley Bridge, in her 86th year, was the younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Meyer. She was born at Mount Crawford, and afterwards lived with her parents at Barossa and at "Prospect Farm." near Wasleys. She was married in 1876 to the late Mr. Frederick Bohnsack, who died 16 years ago, and her first home after the marriage was Whitwarta, in the Balaklava district. She lived there until 1885, and four children were born there. Thence she went with her husband and family to Hamley Bridge, where she resided until her death. Her chief interests were her garden and her home. Two daughters (Mrs. C. A. Brock and Miss N. F. Bohnsack), and one son (Mr. H. M. Bohnsack), all of Hamley Bridge, survive.
November 1937
Mr. Henry Bell, who died at his home, Montrose avenue, Norwood, on November 15, at the age of 83, was born in Scotland and came to South Australia with his parents in 1856 in the Cape of Northumberland. He lived in Hamley Bridge and the surrounding districts for many years, and was interested in farming. He married Miss Rosa J. Harvey in 1881. They celebrated their golden wedding six years ago. Mrs. Bell died two years ago. In later years Mr. Bell leased hotels in the country and metropolitan area. Three children survive him—Mrs. Viney, of Norwood. Mr. L. Bell, of Underdale, and Mrs. Ellis, of Grange. There are eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
March 1938
August 1938
An old resident of the Hamley Bridge district, Mrs. Hanora Mary Brady, 83, died at her residence, "Behanvilla" Barabba, on July 21. She was born at Lisdene, County Clare, Ireland, the fifth daughter of Mr. John Behan, and came to Australia in 1872. Two years later she married Mr. Philip Brady in St. Patrick's Church, West terrace, Adelaide. The newly-married couple settled in the Barabba district. They had a family of ten. Mr. Brady increased his holdings gradually, and with his four sons went in for farming in a large way. Mrs. Brady and her husband were faithful adherents of the Catholic Church, and ardent lovers of their native land. Mrs. Brady enjoyed the best of health until recently, and was able to get about well. Her health failed during the past twelve months, but she did not take to her bed. After a short service in St. Mary’s Church, Hamley Bridge, she was buried with her husband and two daughters, who died a few years ago, in Pinkerton Plains cemetery. Mrs. Brady left four sons and four daughters:—Patrick, Philip, John and Michael, and Mary, Eliza, Margaret and Catherine.
May 1941
Mrs. Ada Ann Willis who died recently at Hamley Bridge, was born at Peachy Belt, near Penfield on April 6, 1860, and was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Robbins of Stockport, who were among the pioneer settlers of the district, arriving there about 1857. In 1887 she married Mr. W. J. Willis of Tarlee, who pre-deceased her in 1936. The late Mr. And Mrs. Willis lived in the Tarlee district until 1923, when they retired and went to Hamley Bridge. Two sons, Lieut. E. G. E. Willis, Area Officer at Port Augusta, and Mr. G.N. Willis, Tarlee, and one daughter, Mrs. W. Goe, Franklin, survive.
June 1941
The Rev. Father Richard Power Denny died at the Calvary Hospital, North Adelaide, yesterday, after an illness resulting from a motor accident in September, 1936, when his sister, the late Miss M. C. Denny, received fatal injuries. He was born in Adelaide in 1874, and was educated at Christian Brothers' College. He was prominently associated with the Literary Societies' Union and played League football for the Adelaide team. He entered the Lands Titles Office, but left to study for the priesthood at St. Patrick's College, Manly, where he was ordained. His first clerical appointment was at St. Patrick's, West terrace, and he subsequently ministered at Naracoorte and Hamley Bridge, where he built a Gothic church and a presbytery. For the past 10 years be had been stationed at Glenelg. Father Denny was a scholarly priest, a sound theologian, and an eloquent preacher and writer, and greatly advanced the cause of religion, culture, and education. Mr. W. J. Denny is a brother.
July 1941
The death occurred recently at Hamley Bridge of Mr. James John Conley, who had lived in the district for 17 years. He was 78 and was engaged in farming pursuits practically all his life. He was born at Lower Light. After disposing of his farm at Lower Wakefleld he lived in retirement at Hamley Bridge. He was buried at Pinkerton Plains cemetery. He leaves a widow, daughter (Mrs. D. G. Healy), six sons and 15 grandchildren.
October 1941
Mr. Friedrich Hermann Baeker, who died at Hamley Bridge on October 5, was born at Truro in 1866. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Baeker, when eight years old his family moved to Wilmington. In 1890 Mr Baeker married Miss Auguste Faehse, of Roseworthy. They made their home at Wilmington, where Mr. Baeker carried on farming for ten years. Moving to Hamley Bridge in 1900 Mr Baeker continued farming for 23 years, when he retired. A widow, one son (Mr. Osmond Baeker, of Hamley Bridge) and one daughter (Mrs. Clem Mack, of Warburton. Victoria) survive.
July 1942
Mr. William Joseph Barry (72), who died recently, was born at Hamley Bridge, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Barry. In 1898 he married Miss G. O'Riley and about 1865 entered the railways service and eventually held the position of yardmaster. He retired in 1935. Besides a widow, three sons (Father Vincent Barry, administrator, Glenelg), Dave and Ray (railways), and two daughters. Mrs. E. G. Pott (Norwood) and Maisie (Hamley Bridge), survive.
October 1942
Mr. G. H. Hissey who died recently at Port Pirie in his 94th year, was born in Australian waters on August 13, 1849 on the sailing ship Hydaspes, bound from England. His parents settled at Alma Plains, near Hamley Bridge where they successfully farmed for many years. On reaching early manhood, Mr Hissey made a hazardous journey by horse and dray from Hamley Bridge to Port Lincoln. In 1875 he married Lydia Willcocks at Riverton. After some years spent on the land at Hamley Bridge and Boolcunda, the couple settled at Wallaroo where they resided for 47 years. Mr. Hissey worked for many years at the Wallaroo smelting works. He was a member of the Hamley Bridge Rechabite Lodge for 76 years, which is believed to be an Australian record.
June 1943
Death of Aurie's Star's Breeder - The death has occurred at the age of 69 of Mr. E. D. Murphy, of Hamley Bridge, breeder of several racehorses, including the brilliant sprinter Aurie's Star. The Stardrift gelding was first leased by Mr. Murphy to Mr. G. W. Badman who later purchased him.
July 1944
Mr. George Griffen Cant, who died recently, was born at Second Valley on February 17, 1874, and went to Hamley Bridge when 19 years of age to manage a farm (rented by his father from the South Australian Company), which he subsequently purchased. He was actively connected with the Congregational Church and township activities generally. He returned to Second Valley about 1908, exchanging places with his father, and lived in the old homestead for about 13 years. He was clerk of the District Council of Rapid Bay for some years, and was connected with the Methodist Circult of Yankalilla. He was senior circuit steward for the Hamley Bridge Methodist Circuit, president of the Hamlev Bridge Bowling Club, and vice-president of the local Flower and Handicraft Society at the time of his death. He leaves a widow and two sons (Messrs. Len, Perth; Morris, RAAF) and four daughters (Mrs. M. J. Woollard, Misses Betty, Ruth, and Helen).
March 1945
Mr. John Campbell, whose death occurred at Hamley Bridge at the age of 66, was one of the most highly respected residents of the district. He was bom at Barabba on July 9, 1878, and resided on the same farm all his life. He undertook responsibilities in connection with the Methodist Church was an opening batsman for the Barabba Cricket Club, and was also captain of the tennis club He was also an officer of the Rechabite Lodge. On October 11, 1917, he married Miss Helena Dow, who survives him.
June 1945
Mr. James Edward Irving, who died recently at the Riverton Hospital, was born at Strathalbyn in September 14th, 1875. In 1902 he went to South Africa and while at Durban joined the Home Guard. He returned to South Australia after four years. Enlisting in the A.I.F. in the last war, he was a member or the 50th Battalion and saw service in Egypt and France, and also visited England. He was wounded in the leg. After his return to South Australia he worked at Streaky Bay and Hamley Bridge. He leaves three sisters— Mrs. Thulborn (Lockleys), Mrs. F. Woolfitt (Strathalbyn), and Mrs. F. Noble (Southwark). He was a member of the Hamley Bridge Branch of the R.S.L. and members acted as bearers at the funeral, which was conducted by the Rev. A. W. Gordon.
August 1945
Mr. H. F. Smith a former native of Yankalilla and one of its pioneer settlers. Mr. H. F. Smith, 84, died recently at his residence, Marlborough Street, Malvern. He was the son of Mr.and Mrs. James Smith, who arrived in the Yankalilla district from Scotland in 1848, and in 1872 he accompianied his father to Yorke Peninsula, where land had been taken up. In his youth Mr. Smith made trips single-handed with horses and cattle between Yankalilla and Maitland, and then went shearing on many stations in the north and north-east, his highest daily tally with the shears being 187. In 1885 he married Miss Emma l Clark, and this was the first wedding in the Willunga Church. His wife died in 1934. After prospecting for gold in Western Australia, some mining experience in Broken Hill and a stay at Port Pirie, Mr. Smith went to Hamley Bridge more than 50 years ago, when most of the country was in its virgin state. He showed fine industry in over coming pioneering disabilities, and was one of the most progressive and successful settlers Mr. Smith leased 2,000 acres in the Hamley Bridge district from the South Australian Company, and eventually purchased the property, where he carried on agriculture and grazing. He was a competent judge of sheep, particularly long wool breeds, and often adjudicated at country shows. Mr. Smith retired from Hamley Bridge in 1913, but while his son was on military service he maintained supervision, and was a frequent visitor to the farm. He has left six daughters and three sons. Mr. Smith was buried in the Mitcham Cemetery, the Rev. Frank Silwood officiating.
December 1945
Mr. W. H. E. Branson, who died suddenly at his home, was born at Titchmarsh farm, near Hamley Bridge, in 1881. When he was three years of age his parents moved to Greenoch, but in 1896 the family returned to the farm and carried on farming together until 1900, when the father died and five of the sons entered into the partnership of Branson Bros. Nine years later this partnership was dissolved and Mr. Branson carried on farming on his own account unto the time of his death. In 1911 he married Edith Millicent Berling, who survives. There were four children of the marriage— Edna (Mrs. A. Brooks), Ralph, Sidney, and Alan (AIF returned) and eight grandchildren. The three sons are all on the land and live in the district. Mr. Branson was a councillor in the Alma Plains District Council for 10 years, occupying the position of chairman for six years, and was a member of the Tarlee Baptist Church for a number of years. He was also a member of the Rechabite Lodge, having joined the order in Hamley Bridge in 1912.
May 1946
Mr. Peter David McDowell Smyth, of Salter's Springs, who died recently at Riverton, was one of the oldest residents of the district. Born at Salter’s Springs in 1871, the sixth son of the late David and Flora Smyth, he spent practically the whole of his life In that locality. He was educated at Whinham and Wesley (Melbourne) Colleges, and on leaving school returned to his father's farm at Salter Springs. In 1897 he married Miss Fanny Emily Ewers, who died in 1933. He is survived by four sons —Messrs. R. C. M., A. B, L. S. M., and H. L. M. Smyth, all of Salter's Springs—and four daughters— Mesdames A. J. Shepherd (Wudinna). F. H. Williams (Streaky Bay), K. McDougall (Tinkurrin, WA), and Miss Margaret Smyth (Salter's Springs). There are 22 grandchildren.
August 1946
Mr. Francis Henry Baker, who has died at Hamley Bridge, was one of the town's outstanding residents. He was born at Alma Plains on February 25, 1869 was brought up on the land, and attended the Barabba school. Mr. Baker represented Hamley Bridge in the district council for 13 years. In 17 years of council work at Alma and Hamley Bridge, he missed only two meetings, both through illness. In 1894 he married Miss Naomi Good of Alma Plains, who died in 1936. He leaves four sons—Messrs. Murray S. (Langhorne's Creek), Roy (Reeves Plains), James E. (Alma) and Eric J. (Barabba) and one daughter, Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Hamley Bridge. There are 12 grandchildren.
August 1947
Mr. Alfred Charles Branson, who died recently, was born near Tarlee in 1879, and five years later, with his parents, moved to Greenock. In 1896 the family returned to the home near Tarlee and continued in agricultural pursuits. As a young man, Mr. Branson took an active part in the literary society and the Baptist Church at Tarlee. For several, years he was a member of the Stockport District Council. In 1905 he married Ethel Lawrence of Mount Gambler, and remained on the land until 1918, when he retired from farming. Moving to Hamley Bridge, he took up a business. The swimming club largely owed its existence and vigor to his enthusiasm, and the brass band received a new impetus under his presidency. In the literary society and the Young Men's Christian Society he took a leading part. Several years later Mr. Branson went to Adelaide, where he continued in business until he retired, owing to ill-health. He has left a widow and two sons. Roy and Trevor both of Adelaide.
October 1947
Mrs. A. C. M. Bell, who died on September 26 at the age of 89, was a resident of the Hamley Bridge district for 83 years. Her parents were married on board ship on the voyage to Australia. She was the sixth child of that family and was born on July 9, 1858, at Kingsford, about three miles from Roseworthy, and received her education at Bethany. At the age of six years she left Kingsford and went with tier parents to Corconda in a bullock dray. In 1880 she married James Bell and moved to her new home one mile from Hamley Bridge. There were 11 children in the family, six girls and five boys. Her husband died 23 years ago. During her career Mrs. Bell did a great deal of nursing, as there was no doctor in the locality.
February 1948
Mrs. Edith Ann Graham died recently at Hamley Bridge at the age of 76 years. She married Richard Andrew Graham (who died 29 years ago) at Melrose in 1892. They lived at Melrose for a while, going to Hamley Bridge in 1912. She was an ardent worker for the Methodist Church and patriotic bodies. There were five children of the marriage.
April 1948
Mr. James Albert Clayton, who died at the Hamley Bridge Memorial Hospital recently after a long and severe illness, was the fourth son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton, of Stockport. He was born at Giles Corner SA, in 1888 and went to Stockport with his parents in 1903. In 1920 he married Miss Rosa Waite of Adelaide. He served in the first AIF overseas far three years and has left two sons— Messrs. Graham and Neil Clay ton, and two grandchildren.
May 1950
Mrs. C. Chenoweth, who died at Rosewater, was born at Bridgewater in 1869, and was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosenthal and the last surviving member of the family. In 1892 she married Mr. F. Chenoweth at Hamley Bridge, where she spent the remainder of her life. Her husband died 27 years ago. In her younger days Mrs. Chenoweth was a lover of flowers and a great gardener. There was a family of five girls and five boys, eight of whom are still living — Mesdames D. Freak (Rosewater), Paine (One Tree Hill), I. Chambers (Birkenhead), D. James (Flinders Park), and Messrs Cec. (Woodville), Milt (Willunga), Cyril (Whyalla) and Reg (Hamley Bridge). She was buried at Hamley Bridge.
Mr. Frank Reginald Sweeney, well-known builder, of Hamley Bridge died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 67. He was still actively engaged at his work up till Friday night, but died in his sleep. The funeral took place at Pinkerton Plains cemetery, on Sunday afternoon, after a service in St. Mary's Church. He leaves a ' widow and a daughter (Mrs. George Helps) of Owen, one sister (Mrs. P. Waters) and one brother (Mr. A. Sweeney), both of Gawler.
July 1950
Mr. Thomas Osborne Watts, who died at Hamley Bridge at the age of 82 years, was the eldest son of the late Thomas and Sarah Watts, and was born at Stockport. In 1901 he married Miss Sarah Ann Branson, and settled on 'Rocky Glen' Farm, Alma Ranges, where he farmed until a short time before his death. His wife died three months ago. He leaves a son (Ernest) and two daughters (Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. A. Fyfe). There are three grandsons, Robert Watts, Alan Fyfe and Brian Bennett.
December 1945
Mr. W. H. E. Branson, who died suddenly at his home, was born at Titchmarsh farm, near Hamley Bridge, in 1881. When he was three years of age his parents moved to Greenoch, but in 1896 the family returned to the farm and carried on farming together until 1900, when the father died and five of the sons entered into the partnership of Branson Bros. Nine years later this partnership was dissolved and Mr. Branson carried on farming on his own account unto the time of his death. In 1911 he married Edith Millicent Berling, who survives. There were four children of the marriage— Edna (Mrs. A. Brooks), Ralph, Sidney, and Alan (AIF returned) and eight grandchildren. The three sons are all on the land and live in the district. Mr. Branson was a councillor in the Alma Plains District Council for 10 years, occupying the position of chairman for six years, and was a member of the Tarlee Baptist Church for a number of years. He was also a member of the Rechabite Lodge, having joined the order in Hamley Bridge in 1912.
May 1946
Mr. Peter David McDowell Smyth, of Salter's Springs, who died recently at Riverton, was one of the oldest residents of the district. Born at Salter’s Springs in 1871, the sixth son of the late David and Flora Smyth, he spent practically the whole of his life In that locality. He was educated at Whinham and Wesley (Melbourne) Colleges, and on leaving school returned to his father's farm at Salter Springs. In 1897 he married Miss Fanny Emily Ewers, who died in 1933. He is survived by four sons —Messrs. R. C. M., A. B, L. S. M., and H. L. M. Smyth, all of Salter's Springs—and four daughters— Mesdames A. J. Shepherd (Wudinna). F. H. Williams (Streaky Bay), K. McDougall (Tinkurrin, WA), and Miss Margaret Smyth (Salter's Springs). There are 22 grandchildren.
August 1946
Mr. Francis Henry Baker, who has died at Hamley Bridge, was one of the town's outstanding residents. He was born at Alma Plains on February 25, 1869 was brought up on the land, and attended the Barabba school. Mr. Baker represented Hamley Bridge in the district council for 13 years. In 17 years of council work at Alma and Hamley Bridge, he missed only two meetings, both through illness. In 1894 he married Miss Naomi Good of Alma Plains, who died in 1936. He leaves four sons—Messrs. Murray S. (Langhorne's Creek), Roy (Reeves Plains), James E. (Alma) and Eric J. (Barabba) and one daughter, Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Hamley Bridge. There are 12 grandchildren.
August 1947
Mr. Alfred Charles Branson, who died recently, was born near Tarlee in 1879, and five years later, with his parents, moved to Greenock. In 1896 the family returned to the home near Tarlee and continued in agricultural pursuits. As a young man, Mr. Branson took an active part in the literary society and the Baptist Church at Tarlee. For several, years he was a member of the Stockport District Council. In 1905 he married Ethel Lawrence of Mount Gambler, and remained on the land until 1918, when he retired from farming. Moving to Hamley Bridge, he took up a business. The swimming club largely owed its existence and vigor to his enthusiasm, and the brass band received a new impetus under his presidency. In the literary society and the Young Men's Christian Society he took a leading part. Several years later Mr. Branson went to Adelaide, where he continued in business until he retired, owing to ill-health. He has left a widow and two sons. Roy and Trevor both of Adelaide.
October 1947
Mrs. A. C. M. Bell, who died on September 26 at the age of 89, was a resident of the Hamley Bridge district for 83 years. Her parents were married on board ship on the voyage to Australia. She was the sixth child of that family and was born on July 9, 1858, at Kingsford, about three miles from Roseworthy, and received her education at Bethany. At the age of six years she left Kingsford and went with tier parents to Corconda in a bullock dray. In 1880 she married James Bell and moved to her new home one mile from Hamley Bridge. There were 11 children in the family, six girls and five boys. Her husband died 23 years ago. During her career Mrs. Bell did a great deal of nursing, as there was no doctor in the locality.
February 1948
Mrs. Edith Ann Graham died recently at Hamley Bridge at the age of 76 years. She married Richard Andrew Graham (who died 29 years ago) at Melrose in 1892. They lived at Melrose for a while, going to Hamley Bridge in 1912. She was an ardent worker for the Methodist Church and patriotic bodies. There were five children of the marriage.
April 1948
Mr. James Albert Clayton, who died at the Hamley Bridge Memorial Hospital recently after a long and severe illness, was the fourth son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clayton, of Stockport. He was born at Giles Corner SA, in 1888 and went to Stockport with his parents in 1903. In 1920 he married Miss Rosa Waite of Adelaide. He served in the first AIF overseas far three years and has left two sons— Messrs. Graham and Neil Clay ton, and two grandchildren.
May 1950
Mrs. C. Chenoweth, who died at Rosewater, was born at Bridgewater in 1869, and was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosenthal and the last surviving member of the family. In 1892 she married Mr. F. Chenoweth at Hamley Bridge, where she spent the remainder of her life. Her husband died 27 years ago. In her younger days Mrs. Chenoweth was a lover of flowers and a great gardener. There was a family of five girls and five boys, eight of whom are still living — Mesdames D. Freak (Rosewater), Paine (One Tree Hill), I. Chambers (Birkenhead), D. James (Flinders Park), and Messrs Cec. (Woodville), Milt (Willunga), Cyril (Whyalla) and Reg (Hamley Bridge). She was buried at Hamley Bridge.
Mr. Frank Reginald Sweeney, well-known builder, of Hamley Bridge died suddenly on Saturday at the age of 67. He was still actively engaged at his work up till Friday night, but died in his sleep. The funeral took place at Pinkerton Plains cemetery, on Sunday afternoon, after a service in St. Mary's Church. He leaves a ' widow and a daughter (Mrs. George Helps) of Owen, one sister (Mrs. P. Waters) and one brother (Mr. A. Sweeney), both of Gawler.
July 1950
Mr. Thomas Osborne Watts, who died at Hamley Bridge at the age of 82 years, was the eldest son of the late Thomas and Sarah Watts, and was born at Stockport. In 1901 he married Miss Sarah Ann Branson, and settled on 'Rocky Glen' Farm, Alma Ranges, where he farmed until a short time before his death. His wife died three months ago. He leaves a son (Ernest) and two daughters (Mrs. T. Bennett and Mrs. A. Fyfe). There are three grandsons, Robert Watts, Alan Fyfe and Brian Bennett.
March 1951
Mr. C. Hutton, who died recently after a long illness, was well known in Hamley Bridge district, being a flourishing chaff merchant at Hamley Bridge for many years until his retirement. He was a keen bowler and a regular adherent of the Congregational Church. He has left a widow, two daughters and one son — Helen, Dorothy and Steve. One son, Ernest, was killed at the war.
March 1951
Mrs. Elizabeth Currie, of Pinkerton Plains (near Wasleys), who died on January 24 in her 82nd year, was born in the district, and was the last member of a family of 11. Her home, after her marriage to 1898 to the late Charles Currie, adjoined property owned by her father, the late Joseph Patterson. She attended the Woolsheds Methodist Church all her life. Mrs. Currie is survived by four sons and a daughter. There are seven grandchildren.
April 1951
Mrs. Annie Dyer, of Hamley Bridge, died in hospital after a long illness. In 1916 she married the late Mr. Charles Dyer, who died 15 years ago, and came to live in Hamley Bridge. She was for many years a great worker for the Roman Catholic Church. Her relatives mostly live in Melbourne. One nephew (Mr. George Jasper) with his wife and family, reside at Naracoorte.
May 1951
Mr. Gilbert H. Wall, of Hamley Bridge, died after a brief illness at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. His wife Mary Jane (nee Fidge) and he were well known in and around Barabba and Hamley Bridge, where they had lived the greater portion of their lives. He was greatly interested in poultry and gardening. Besides his wife he leaves one son (Lionel), a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren, an aged mother, and brothers and sisters.
July 1951
Mr. William Thomas O’Riley, who died recently, was born at Moonta 83 years ago, and as a young man he went to Hamley Bridge. On August 9, 1899, he married Miss Honor O'Brien, of Manoora, the first ceremony to take place in the new Catholic Church. For many years Mr. O'Riley was employed as a wheelwright and coachmaker at Mr. J. G. Traeger's factory, and later conducted his own business until his health failed. His interests included the rifle club, institute, and recreation park committee and the HACBS. He was also a Justice of the Peace. He leaves a wife and the following family:—William P. (Hilton), Francie (Sr. M. Thedore of Wellington, NZ) Grace (Mrs. McSkimming, Pine Point. YP), Jack (Hamley Bridge), and Nell (Mrs. Ward, of Plympton).
May 1952
Mrs. M. B. Reimann who died at her home at Hamley Bridge, was born at Nairne 82 years ago, and received her education at the Nairne School. In 1898 she married Mr. Paul Reimann, of Keyneton, their first home being in Sedan. In 1903 the young couple went to live in Hamley Bridge where she lived until her death. Mr. Reimann died 12 years ago. Mrs. Reimann lived a very active life until her sight was lost about four years ago. She leaves one son (Alwin), one daughter-in-law, seven grandchildren and one great grandchild.
August 1952
Mr. George Harris, who died recently, was one of Hamley Bridge's oldest identities. Born at Tothill Creek near Marrabel in April 1866, he was the only surviving member of a pioneer Cornish family. He farmed in that district until 1923, when he purchased land at Hamley Bridge. He was a trustee of the Methodist Church at one time, and a keen member of the Hamley Bridge Bowling Club. In 1896 he married Miss Mc Dougall, of Marrabel.,who died in 1937. Of a family of four, three survive. There are seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
March 1953
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Gregory, who died at Hamley Bridge recently, was the daughter of the late William Thomas and Elizabeth Humphrys. She was born at Yatina in 1876 and with her parents went to live in Hamley Bridge in 1888. The family gathered to celebrate the 57th wedding anniversary only a few days before her death. She was for many years president of the Ladies' Guild, a member of the church choir and a Sunday school superintendent. She was also a member of the Red Cross, WCTU, and the CWA. Mrs. Gregory left a widower and nine children —Mabel (Mrs. Williams, Virginia), Ella (Mrs. Fyfe, Burgooney, NSW), Will (Stockyard Creek), Gertie (Mrs. Harris, Tarlee), Alf, Gladys (Mrs. Harvey), Mark, Elsie (Mrs. R. Branson), all of Hamley Bridge, and Alice (Mrs. Needs, Hamilton Park). There are 29 grand children and 10 great grandchildren.
April 1953
Mrs. Annie Dow Wilson, who died at Hamley Bridge at the age of 83 years, was the wife of the late William G. Wilson and third daughter of the late James and Grace Campbell, of Barabba. Mrs. Wilson was one of the first scholars to be enrolled it the Modbury school's opening in 1876. The Methodist Church was also opened that year and until her death Mrs. Wilson was a regular attendant and took a keen interest in guild work. She was organist for a number of years. After her marriage in 1900 she and her husband resided at Tea tree Gully, Sherlock and Parilla. In 1919 they returned to Barabba where Mr. Wilson died. Mrs. Wilson has left two sons, Doug and Ken, of Stockyard Creek.